[Action/Accidental Voice]

Sep 17, 2009 02:40

What's this?

[The book's odd. Maybe he can sell it for some quick gil. That's his plan for now, so he takes it with him, oblivious to it recording him. BUT. There's one thing about arriving that doesn't work to Shadow's favor. That being the lack of normal clothes. He's thrown off by that, feeling exposed without his face covered, or anything he might use to do that. It's been too long. So, still clad in just the pants, he's made his way to town. He's reminded of the time he stumbled across Thamasa, except, this definitely isn't that town.]

[He'll be trying to keep a low profile as he sneaks around the buildings, ducking and hiding, trying to find one selling something useful- or just to find someone to ambush. Feel free to have your character wander near obliviously OR to go ahead and spot him first instead! Either way works.]

[And yes, to repeat that... until he reaches a clothes store, NOTHING COVERING HIS FACE! He hates me.]

unamused, not the afterlife, clyde, once in a lifetime chance, will slit your throat for real clothes, new feather, w.t.f., arrival, deja vu, never again, not a collapsing tower, not thamasa, clever disguise, feeling naked

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