Sep 22, 2006 16:14
If there is one statement I hate most in this world it probably is "I love you too". Now don't get me wrong, "I love you" is one of the most amazing, wonderful things that can come out of someones mouth but I hate that TOO. It is the most undemonstrative word in the entire english language. Unfortunately it seems, particularly in this day and age, that such exuberant phrase like, I love you completely, entirely, and wholeheartedly do not leap easily off the tongue. I can't stand how completely unresponsive the phrase I love you too, makes me feel. Particularly when it's coming out of my mouth. Yes I know how rediculous this entire post is but I feel like this is something worth writing about. Or rather I felt like it was worth writing about last night but was too lazy to get my butt out of bed and type this out.