Feb 13, 2007 03:53
I feel like ranting about St. Valentine's Day, and I'm not here to dissuade people from celebrating it, because it is my personal belief that it is rediculous and meaningless. And I don't want to hear, "oh somebody hasn't had any valentines blah blah blah.." You know why I think it's meaningless? Because it is all built around the premise of celebrating the love you have for your partner in an overly commercial sense, that we should go out to a nice place, and buy presents when in my opinion we should cherish the love we have for our partners everday. And you know what else? I'd rather have a terrible day (let's even say it's a monday!) and come home knowing that there will be a kiss for me when i walk in the door, or vice versa. And I love being in a relationship as much as the next person, but seriously, why have a holiday that just gets people to buy more gifts for their special someone or plan a special night just because it is that holiday!!! GOSH IT INFURIATES ME!!!! Maybe that's because i'm a loving person, but still.. ggrrrrrr
OK, if you like St. Valentines Day that's great too, everyone is entitled to whatever they want I'm just trying to make a case that it is meaningless at least to me.