Today i had to go home early cuz of a gay eye infection. w.e.. i had soo much fun yesterday.
GRR! now there's a REALLY long weekend (not really, it's just going to feel like one) and i hope on sunday i will be able to go to lincoln and hang out...
Who0t! im so HAPPY for my sister. She is finaly with ryan.. and she really likes him..... And on the same night i'm with daniel... =] He's amazing... and i thought i would always be sad & depressed, but he was like the only person who made me smile & was there for me at that time. I love him so much... <3 ^.^
yeah. yeah. yeah.
=O I have a new picture::::
there... see? i posted one more picture of myself than i posted on myspace! happy karo? lol
Okies.. talkt to you all later...