Apr 04, 2007 19:41
Today was the weirdest day o' m' life. I spent the whole fourth block with marijuana in my sock. Oh it was strange. Felt like everyone was staring at my feet. *paranoid twitch*. Really I didn't even think I would get it though at all. The first time he was all ' I ran out of money'. The next time he was all 'I'll give it to you in the morning.' which didn't happen but then I got it after 3rd block. Pretty sure it was the most akward thing ever.
So he came to my locker and pointed to the hallway behind me. I'm sure Mr. hegdahl was like 'what the fuck.' The he was like 'Lets go somehere where ther's no people.' He was all nervous which kinda made me feel like I was gonna throw up. I mean what the hell man can't you pretend to have it all together? I HAVE TO PEE! Then, he was like lets go over here, which was the hallway leading to the back of the Study Hall old library thing. Only thing was there was a guy there and I'm pretty sure he heard us. Damn. So he's like 'or not' Pretty sure that kid was like like 'what the fuck'. So we kept on walking and walking. And then BAM! right in front of all the teachers and all those people in the hallway he was like 'hold out your hand' I did and he pretended to give me a high five. Only a groovy high five! My hand was full of cannabis, man! So I ran to the bathroom to put it in my sock. Pretty sure that made a few people go 'what the fuck.'
So anywho. That was the most interesting thing that happend in a while. I'm gonna post what it's like to be high on it after I smoke it in my aluminum foil pipe thing! Oh. Yeah. Dig! Should be a crazy post. Not gonna lie. Peace n' love hommays.