traveling to the peach trees Originally uploaded by
nathalie.cone we went peach picking at baugher's couple weeks ago and i am just now finishing up the rest of the peaches we got. we also visited their petting zoo where we got to feed cute animals and watch a peacock show off for us. there was a sign on one of the fences that said if one of the animals got out, could you please bring it back inside the fence for them (for some reason there was no supervision of the animals by a farm worker). sure enough, one of the goats got out so whitney pulled up her boot straps and wrangled him up good.
went to ikea yesterday for the first time in a super, duper long time. i dropped some cash on a new comforter that actually fits our bed size and some pretty patterned bedding. it's looking so cute in there but it still needs something. i should take pics and ask for suggestions. i also got some stainless steel accessories for the bathroom and even that room is looking good. i searched around flickr until 2 am last night getting even more ideas for the apartment. when i get obsessed i get really obsessed.
i made cherry scones dusted with cinnamon sugar today. i don't know what a scone is suppose to taste like (i've never had one!) but i've already eaten four because they're that good.
okay, going to whitney's house for dinner. i'm bringing the scones so i won't eat them all myself.