Aug 29, 2003 22:18
NoWereElzeToHide: arg
NoWereElzeToHide: crap
PersonWithArm: in your pants
PersonWithArm: haha
NoWereElzeToHide: yeh man
NoWereElzeToHide: haha
PersonWithArm: haah
Kcinshin: ...................
PersonWithArm: hah
PersonWithArm: are you okay??????????
Kcinshin: i have gas
PersonWithArm: that is good
Kcinshin: brm
PersonWithArm: what does taht mean again??????
Kcinshin: sorry wrong phrase
Kcinshin: bbm
PersonWithArm: ........................
Kcinshin: biten by meat
Kcinshin: har har har har
Kcinshin: HADUKEN!!!!!!!!
Kcinshin: pika?
Kcinshin: pika, CHU!!!
PersonWithArm: god bless you
Kcinshin: sorry i sneezed
FlyingPastaCan: YAY
PersonWithArm: wooo hoo
FlyingPastaCan: pump up those tits and fuck up them shit!
FlyingPastaCan: yo
PersonWithArm: yeah
PersonWithArm: man
PersonWithArm: in the hood with thme talk
PersonWithArm: dude
FlyingPastaCan: fo sho tit niz
FlyingPastaCan: ich fon hike tite no
PersonWithArm: woah, back up now dawg
FlyingPastaCan: ich hok!
PersonWithArm: them some wack up stuff
FlyingPastaCan: hok hiea!
FlyingPastaCan: ich essen fenster
PersonWithArm: lost me homie
FlyingPastaCan: ich fon deek doff outf da fichdow
PersonWithArm: wow
yes, it is ALL stupid...........but it was fun