Things I Will Be Posting About In The Upcoming Hours-Please Stay Tuned
1. My interest in a new job
2. Hike #1 Through Broad Ripple (Solo)
3. Hike #2 Through Broad Ripple with Stephen
A. The jointage
B. Graffiti, EA RATS, and river views
C. The Mushrooms
D. The Homeless Man's Home
E. The Falls, the Shell and The Blue Rock
F. "Woolie" The Fuzzy Caterpillar and his Journey
G. The 4th Joint, The Crane and Mysterious Stoner Man
H. Woolie's New Home
I. Adventures in Head Shop Land
a. The wood
b. The free pieces
4. Boddah's New Attitude
Plus much much more I'm sure.
Sincerely a dork,