Oct 12, 2010 17:21
my friend got me sick (despite my other friend INSISTING she just has allergies, YES I JUST COINCIDENTALLY DEVELOPED THE SAME COUGH) and cuddling hurts my hips for some unexplainable reason. also cuddling in a skirt is a horrible idea. also also full beds are fucking amazing.
it's a good thing I proofread the letter of recommendation I got because it said 'young man' about three times. WAY TO COPY AND PASTE, TEACHER.
I may do nanowrimo this year if homework permits. I should probably actually pay attention to my rps though.
DARREN MOTHERFUCKING CRISS ON GLEE. now the reasons I still watch this show (typoed 'shit') will be raised to three.
hi how are you
sick again eh,
my hips are too old for this,
way to go,
cuddling is superior,
obligatory miharu tag,
darren motherfucking criss,
why does this always happen,
gonna be a long winter