yeah nangee is right!!

Aug 12, 2004 20:51

"What's the saying... "friends are forever" or friends are for a week?
hmmmm...doesn't it make u wonder how some people can come into our lives and can look deep into our eyes and tell us the things that we want to hear but in reality sometimes they are wasting a part of our lives. We are good to them for about a week then it is all gone. The secrets u have shared the moments that u have experienced, gone in a matter of days.

Lies, that's all we hear from that "friend." u put one and one together and u get twice the lies...We're no better than the person next to us, nor are they but as friends there is no competition.

It's funny how once they are bored with their next victim they come crawling back to the friendship they have known for a week but yet to us it seemed like forever...what do u do? what do u say? the dysfunction in friendships is a part of life experience. Opening your hearts and thoughts to someone who u thought would at least care for u in a friend kinda is a dangerous journey...They turn around and slap u in the face. Sometimes without u knowing!!! "

Omgosh this so true!!! it's true,but atleast you always have your few good friends that were always there for you in the end!I can definitely relate to what she said.Live and learn!!don't give your heart to just anyone!!!

NANCY IS DOING THE MOLLY RINGWALD HAIR!!it's red and i'm lovin it
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