Music fans, can you please help???

Jun 01, 2006 00:43


I'm going crazy, my dear peeps, and I'm hoping you can help me! *quivers*

I desperately need some reference pictures for a project I'm working on, and I'm hoping you all have some stuff on your hard drive that might help me! I've been searching for hours and I just can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm looking for pics of cool clothes for a band--so I'm needing full shots of sexy band dudes--famous or not, doesn't matter! All the stuff I'm finding is like arty close-ups and dimly lit stuff and it's driving me batty.

I'm casting a wide net, a variety of styles so I can figure out what will work best. I'd like fairly modern stuff, anything from your average rocker t-shirt and low-slung pants to goth garb. I'm leaning towards the punk/emo/goth side, but anything that looks damn sexy is good, just throw it at me! Nothing too over-the-top with ruffles or costumes, you know? But I'd be happy if anyone's got some of those J-rock androgynous boys in a skirt. *hopes*

Please don't trouble yourself to do searches or anything; I'm just hoping you might have something in a picture file that could help me before my head explodes. I'd appreciate any help you've got, pics, a linky to a good site, whatever!

Thanks muchly in advance, I realllly appreciate it!

xxooo Shriney *rubs bleary eyes* *goes back to image searches*

rl writing

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