
Jan 29, 2007 01:16

I think I may have reached an all-time fannish low. I have just saved a picture to my Orlando file...of Orli peeing against a rock. What do I need this picture for? Perhaps to remind me that the boy is definitely not perfect...lol...*covers eyes in shame*

But in other news...ROWRRR! Clive Owen is gonna do noir as Philip Marlowe, complete with him doing the narration in those orgasm-inducing...deep...lovely and articulate tones of his. *throbs*

And I want to tell everyone that I am now playing in a dart league with my hubby and his work buddies. And last Tuesday we won the night--which included two doubles matches that I participated in victoriously. Huzzah! :P Yes, I am having fun hanging out in hole-in-the-wall bars with a bunch of manly men throwing pointed objects at a circular board with numbers on it. I am that cool...lol. Hubby coaxed me out by saying it could give me ideas for my writing. Little do these boys know that their manly dialogue, insults and hilarity may someday be immortalized in porny literature with a variety of sexual orientations...hee...

I have also had a largely horrifying weekend. Hubby and I actually collapsed at home for a two hour nap to recuperate from the morning spent with a family member of mine (added to five hours with her on Saturday). She is what my friend bandraoi refers to as an "emotional vampire"--in other words, she is skilled at just sucking the life right out of you. No matter how well-intentioned you start out, no matter how zen you try to be, no matter how many times you tell yourself all of it will roll right off of you...three hours later you're ready to commit murder and mayhem...or at best you just come home and devour a tub of ice cream before crawling into bed and trying to sleep off the madness...

*ahem* But anyway, other than that I am just quite cranky that Clive and Children of Men got basically snubbed by the awards shows...grrr...and I'm quite hopefully and cheerfully awaiting the arrival of a new Hugh Grant movie. *squee*

Please feel free to drop off a *hug* or two. And maybe a pic of a pretty man/boy in tight pants. That always helps. *G* xoxoxo

pretty men, orlando bloom, clive owen, rl

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