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mouse_mistress January 8 2007, 23:19:51 UTC
Thank you for the input. This is one of those movies that I haven't been able to make up my mind if I want to see or not. It definitely sounds interesting. No doubt I'll end up renting it & probably buying it.
I haven't been able to stop thinking of it since. I've been haunted by it, as if it were some sort of horror film, which in a way it is.
From what I've seen, it reminds me very much of a series of PSA's that were on TV several years ago that had the same effect you mentioned here on me. The one that stands out most in my mind is the one where a young man is in a library looking for a book. When he can't find it, he asks the librarian for help. Within seconds, armed policemen come in and "escort" him out. For a 30 second public service announcement, it frightened me terribly. Anyway, back on topic, thanks again for the comments. You definitely sparked my interest in this movie even more.

And on a totally different subject, I just finished reading Touching again last week. Every time I re-read it, I'm blown away again. I think it gets better each time! :)


shrinetolust January 9 2007, 07:39:02 UTC
Wow, that PSA does sound frightening. And yes, this film is on that order. It's so scary because it's not much of a stretch to imagine it actually happening. It's like you're already a part of the beginning of the film and what happens after is in your own future.

I was so determined to see this film and then afterward I wasn't so sure I'd made the right choice...heh. It's definitely not an easy film, but it's certainly a powerful one. And now I think I'd like to see it again, to see if a second viewing reveals different thoughts about it.

As for Touching...thank you so much! I've actually been trying to tinker with another chapter but it's a bit slow going. I'm always thinking 12 steps ahead in the story and it's tough to focus on what's currently supposed to be going on...heh. But send me good thoughts and hopefully I'll be able to work something out! :)


mouse_mistress January 12 2007, 03:28:13 UTC
I was so determined to see this film and then afterward I wasn't so sure I'd made the right choice...heh. It's definitely not an easy film, but it's certainly a powerful one.

I was that way with Brokeback Mountain. I saw it twice and I did pick up a lot of things I missed the first time, but I don't think I'l be watching it again anytime soon. It was just too emotionally exhausting.

Re:Touching - Goodthoughtsgoodthoughtsgoodthoughts! (Is it helping?)


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