"no offense but" stfu. I hear you all the time telling people to cheer up! on lj. I dunno but if you think I'm some hardcore guy that doesn't need to be told that either then hell. I don't even care. I will deal with my shit. If you've got nothing good to say then just piss off, ! "i'm so fucking" tired of people saying other then good things when its not there place to say shit. Some friend.
keep your pants on, if it bugs you that much im sorry and you didnt have to get up my ass about it. too many people talk about being depressed and I RARELY ever open my mouth about it, and most of the time when friends say harsh stuff to other friends its for their own good, so suck it up and dont attack me
me attacking u? keep my pants on? wtf do you think i am some rapist. please. What makes me any different from your other friends that you have to bash me about being depressed. Were fucking teenagers it happens at the time. "I'm not up your ass about it". what am I some anal rapist now? please. I think you had a good thing going for you when you never open your mouth about things. "suck it up" wow. you would say something like that. Don't fucking come to my lj to start shit. its not cool.
oh and in reply to the other comments you posted (although you deleted them they were sent to my email anyways) if im your friend i think it is my "fucking place to say shit" as you put it
omg. what a loser. you damn sure aren't acting like a friend. and HELL NO its not your place to say shit unless you know WTF i am talking about. you should just stop talking.
even if im not right it doesnt make you right either, and in case you're not educated enough to know "keep your pants on" and "getting up my ass about it" are both expressions, unless you really are stupid enough to think im accusing you of being an anal rapist
no, its true im not well educated but thats not why. I was just making funny of how stupid you sound. and trying to start shit because im depressed. this arguement is such a waste of time will you please just SHUT UP! damn before i have to make this friends only so you will leave me the hell alone and stop with your childish ways. and i never said it was about me being right or you being right so thats just something totally knew that your putting words in my mouth with. and keep your pants on's when a guy is horny so and the girl is trying to tell him to keep it in his pants. apparently your not well educated either. and go the hell away! you must be fucking bored as hell if your wasteing your time bashing me about how im depressed and you dont know what the hell is going on in my life. thats usually why people ask nicely if they want to talk about it not go.."suck it up" or "i'm tired of people being depressed".. seriously if you respond one more time im turning this shit into friends only cuz this is just stupid and im only
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