What is Wyrd?

Mar 29, 2007 22:44

As part of my work on the Ásatrú-U stuff I have to work out those who have made me who I am and visualise the web of Wyrd around me. First though I need to work though what Wyrd actually means to me.

Cue ramblings of a sleep deprived mind- so today I'll just do the first bit.

What is Wyrd

Wyrd means to turn from the past to the Present. It is the effect of our actions upon us as people and the actions of those we come into contact with either directly or indirectly.

Wyrd is governed by The Norns, Urd, Skuld and Verdandi. Urd governs the past, she allows us to see that which has come before in our own lives and before us, She is who teaches us to learn from our mistakes and those of our ancestors. Verdandi governs the present, She see what happens now it is She  who urges us to seize the moment and remember there is no time like the present! Skuld, veiled Skuld, governs the future, hidden from view, obscured, She who holds the promise of a new dawn and reminds us to dream for the future. Our wyrd is governed by these three mighty women, the weave our wyrd and shape us into who we are.

Wyrd is the concept that our past affects our present and our future and that the past of those before us also affects us. We are not alone, we are interconnected; to the past and to each other. Every choice we make is built on the choices and experiences of our past. It connects me to everyone around me, reminds me that my actions may have much larger or smaller effects than I could be aware of and allows me to spend time thinking of those who have affected me, made me into who I am today.

Tune in tomorrow for another one of my ramblings. =)


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