Oct 02, 2004 12:41
Ah, well, I thought it was time for another update, so here I am again, on some strange rant.
Last night was...weird. Usually, my Friday's are not fufilled if I do not bug Lan-sama repetitively, and for more then an hour. It just so happens he skittered off to play RE...and then he never returned. Usually, I'd go semi-insane over it...But last night, I was so busy RPing that I hardly noticed.
Yes, you heard me right, RPing. Cel is a big nerd, and most don't know that a year ago, she never OOCed. She was all RP. I quit awhile back, but got into chat altogether again.
Note why you know me; I realized RP sucked so much, and that the only way to get good Rp was to para. I'm lazy, so I OOCed.
Recently, I para-ed, and I enjoyed it. I craved it yesterday, and my friend RPed with me in a random room, and i felt so much better. When he left to do other stuffs, I was still RP-ing.
One of my old friends from way back. (...I knew him about a year and a half ago...From the old RPing I use to do.) IMed me, and we talked. I asked him if he knew that the scariest thing in the world was, and he was all.."..No." And so I told him. "...I'm RPing." o_o He got scared. Everyone who has known Cel for a very long time, knows she does not RP unless she is forced. (And I mean, fucking FORCED.) But I enjoyed it this time...
Funny, I wanted to leave this place. But I think I may stay. My reasons are that my cell phone won't come till christmas, and i've revived an old addicted.
au revoir.