F is for friendless

Nov 30, 2009 15:01

As life goes on I find myself losing touch with more and more people. This makes me sad. And lonely.

I'm desperate to talk to a girlfriend about life stuff and I realised I don't have someone like that anymore. Margaret used to be that person for me, but over the last 5 years that relationship has changed. Ditto with Ayla over the past year. Leon is someone I talk about life with, but for obvious reasons and also him being a guy, I can't talk about the girly things I need to. Alissar is at times, but that's an expensive solution (Dubai being one of the most expensive places to call).

So here I sit alone in the park on my lunch break trying to figure out things for myself and it's a hopeless cause.

I really feel lost. I don't like this feeling. I need outside guidance. Or at least just a friend to bounce my thoughts off. You know, a sounding board to help me work what I probably already know but haven't realised as yet. Until then, my turmoil is my own.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

lost, relationships, dis-connected, laureatric, tired, me, via ljapp, friends

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