Photos and stuff

Jul 02, 2007 09:31

After having had a couple of particularly stressful couple of weeks, the boy was very nice and picked me up and took me to Newcastle to see the boat and have lunch. Unfortunately, the whole thing has now been barricaded off so you can't really get very close to it anymore. Boo. Also, I didn't have the digital camera as I'd left it at the Real Estate on Saturday. Double boo. However, I did take my 120 twin lens camera. Triple hurrah! I hope they turn out.

We walked around the hilltops, trying to find a spot to go down and get a good peek from, when I came upon this sign. I liked it. Very 'final'.

You've got nowhere left to go

the view from the road

Rohan and I went down to the rocks instead and this was the best view by far

After seeing this photo of the boy I had a thought he may be somewhat responsible... scary! *laughs*

Sick little me - woke up all cold and flu-ey

group shot!

I'm very impressed with my mobile's macro function

The boy driving to Led

And, keeping in tradition, a video of the drive home!!!

happy happy joy joy, we're all going on a... thingy thingy

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