So. I've only been mostly dead. Just started writing my Worst Case Scenario story, um, yesterday.
And I'm really rather incredibly behind on everything. Good thing there was a new episode of House to distract me from being productive!
Viewer Discretion Is Advised. Oh, how I've missed you, little warning! (Okay, considering the really extreme gross-out that came later on, maybe not so much. But still!)
LL Cool J as Death Row Guy! Man, he was creepy and evil in this episode, wasn't he? With these brief, weirdly charming flashes that made the evil that much more disturbing.
(After the credits, we got a promo for the movie Flight Plan. I know nothing about this movie except the fact that it has Jodie Foster and Sean Bean, which means I'm in. Hello, nurse.)
Mm. Hugh. Hugh in a blue shirt. Mm.
Stacy: "You were the worst two dollars I ever spent." Have I mentioned yet that I love Stacy? Because I do. Also, Sela Ward is hot.
Cuddy: "Don't bend over for the soap." Have I mentioned yet that I love Cuddy? Because I do. Also, Lisa Edelstein is hot. Although not wild about the new hair.
House: "What medical treatment should you be denied for being a car thief?" I love how House puts things in perspective. Judge not lest you be judged, eh?
House: "You know how people say you can't live without love? Oxygen's even more important." By which he means that idiots say you can't live without love, but even idiots know you can't live without oxygen. Unless you happen to be anaerobic.
House: "That's clever, because it forces me to deal with the file, or never sit down again." Oh, man, that's such an office thing that I loved it. People leave me sticky notes on my chair, keyboard, monitor, and office door. This pleases me about as much as Cameron leaving that folder on House's chair.
House: "When we've got a yachting question, we'll come to you." BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem.
Foreman: "Just means we need to kill more white people." Have I mentioned yet that I love Foreman? (Do you see the pattern here? These people are pretty. It's not my fault.)
House: "Only I get to write on the board." Heh. Control freak. And also: "What? Mommy and Daddy are having a fight. It doesn't mean we don't love you anymore." I didn't know how the relationship between Greg and Stacy was going to play out this episode/season, but I'm liking the tension. It feels like they're, I don't know, cautiously setting up a chess game with an opponent they haven't played for a while.
Oh my god, do I love Foreman being bitchy with Death Row Guy. Because he's so much fun when he's bitchy.
House: "You've got a prettier mouth. Better chance the inmates will open up to you." And back this season are the Chase-is-a-pretty-boy comments. Those comments please me so.
Wilson: "Do you know why people are nice to each other?" I love how Wilson comes in, expresses his outrage at House for invading a coma patient's room, and then immediately sits down and asks for House's chips. One must put up a polite front! And then one must be the only person whom House will listen to. And my god, how cute was House when he offered the chips? Bros before hos?!
House: "I coulda hit that." And I nearly snorted water up my nose at that, because he doesn't seem to be expressing any regret at passing on a relationship with Cameron. This pleases me.
Toner martini!
Ew! Ew! Stop with the shit leaking from his intestines! Ew!
House: "Wilson's a fool. I'm an idiot." Awww. Wilson's a fool for love! Ahem.
Oh, Wilson -- lecturing about not making friends with patients. And Cameron totally not listening to him. Which... made me admire her compassion a little, although the admiration was overwhelmed by Wilson's woobie face and the desire to smack her upside the head. Listen to the Head of Oncology, woman! He knows about telling people that they're dying!
Huh. Closing montage was Jeff Buckley's version of "Hallelujah", which I don't hear nearly as often as the Rufus Wainwright version. And, ha -- during the lyric "her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you", House is eyeing the liquor bottle, and then pouring a drink.
I still don't have a House icon. Dude, I suck. (Edit: thanks to
gritkitty, now I do.)