My passport is getting a workout this year. I just booked a December work trip. I'll be spending a week in Hyderabad, India, and then zooming over to Dublin, Ireland for another week. I need to figure out accommodations and whether I need a visa for India, and book tons of meetings with people in each office. Probably won't be doing much sight-seeing, but I'll take recommendations anyway if people have them!
I'll also be flying back to Michigan for Thanksgiving (booked) and Christmas (need to book). And there's already January travel that I'm looking at because of reasons. I don't regret it when I say yes to adventure, but man, this is why I hole up in my apartment all weekend and make no plans so I can charge up my introvert batteries.
On the other hand, this means I'm going to be spending so many hours on planes that I may actually put a dent in my TV and books backlog.
With all of this going on, I started writing my Yuletide story yesterday because I definitely need to finish it as early as possible.
Regarding my apartment in San Francisco, I finally have some art up on the walls! And I bought a tiny pot of succulents to see how they do. I figured they were a good choice because they'll survive if I'm away for weeks at a time.
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