January 22nd

Jan 22, 2014 20:18

January 22: elishavah, Because you keep making me reblog him on Tumblr... Tell me of the wonder that is Jake Jensen!

I'm going with movie Jensen since I haven't read all of The Losers comics, and also because Chris Evans.

The first shot we get of Jake Jensen is of him playing with dinosaur figures that he's built himself, reminiscent of Wash's "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" scene in Firefly. I immediately was primed to love him.

And I did love him, because Jake Jensen is amazing. He's us. He's a fan! A giant nerd who wears logo T-shirts and cuddles his computers and says, "That's right, bitches! I got a crossbow!" He gets super excited about stuff! He spouts random facts because he's the kind of person who goes into an information spiral on the internets. "Do you know cats can make a thousand different sounds and dogs can only make, like, ten?" He's so hardcore that he can acquire a bright pink Petunias T-shirt from his niece's 8 and Under soccer league after he's been officially declared dead by the US government and in hiding in Bolivia. And you know what he accessorizes with that pink T-shirt?

A fanny pack for his computer. That is some SWEET NERD ACTION right there.

This nerd also looks like Chris Evans, so he's got those eyelashes and shoulders and biceps, and yet is endearingly and completely awkward with the ladies. This nerd is super smart and special forces and can do parkour. He bites down on a lollipop while Cougar sews up his bullet wound. While infiltrating a building, he sings "Don't Stop Believing" across a lobby to get the elevator to himself, and when caught by armed guards, says that he's been the subject of a government experiment that has done stuff to him... anal stuff.

I won't leave out the moment when Jensen is in the middle of a wardrobe change in the elevator and the doors open for ladies to ogle him. It was a gift to us all.

I'm just saying, if Jensen wanted to get some, all he'd have to do is go to a convention and fandom would climb him like a tree.

Bonus item: Jensen and Cougar would kick the broccoli test's ass because they could do it without saying a word.

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the losers, meme

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