I'm coming to New York!

May 26, 2013 20:12

Hey, New York people. I'm coming to your city for work next week! I'm flying in the afternoon of Sunday June 2nd, and flying out Friday night. Obviously I'll be spending most of my time at our offices in Chelsea, but my evenings should be free for meals and drinks and things. We should do things!

I've never been to New York before, you guys! I have no idea why it's taken me this long to come visit.

I met fangirls for brunch today and then we went to see Fast & Furious 6. There was a lady sitting in front of us who was very srs bsns. She kept turning around to shush us because we were enjoying ourselves too much, I guess? With the laughing and the clapping and the delight for fast cars, explosions, and a diverse cast of attractive people. I mean, I don't know what movie the srs bsns lady went to see, but it's not like we were lulzing it up during a serious period drama. My joy will not be contained!

And then I decided to walk home from downtown, which is about 6 or 7 miles. Now I'm pleasantly tired and only a little footsore, and drinking a pint of of Daisy Cutter Pale Ale.

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