Yuletides I have known

Dec 20, 2012 20:47

I posted my Yuletide story late Monday night. I finished all of my shopping Wednesday night. I got my awesome new eyeglasses today and my suitcase is half-filled with presents. I'm off to Michigan tomorrow. The internet availability there is... uncertain.

I've been doing Yuletide since it began, and as I really should be packing right now, have a meme:

2003: Diversionary Tactics, Sports Night, Dan/Casey, 5589 words

Right out of the gate, my first Yuletide story never got a response from its recipient! I also had the honor of having the rarity of Sports Night challenged in the same year that allowed Harry Potter. You guys, in retrospect that shit was hilarious. I'm glad that my first Yuletide was a little bit of trial by fire. It puts things in perspective. ;)

2003: Abbott and Costello Meet the Rainbow Coalition, Farscape, John/D'Argo, 2271 words

I'm fuzzy about the way pinch hits worked the first year, but I'm pretty sure that this one involved someone tracking me down in chat and asking frantically, "YOU KNOW FARSCAPE, RIGHT?" And then I magically had another story to write. And Yuletide was small enough then that I knew the recipient quite well.

2004: Bibliophily, Good Omens/Highlander, Aziraphale/Methos, 1472 words

My first (and apparently only?) New Year's Resolution challenge story! I couldn't resist the idea of Aziraphale and Methos.

2004: A Distant Utopia, The Authority, Apollo/Midnighter, 2698 words

I'm fairly certain that this is the first year that Yuletide made me cry tears of frustration. I had exactly one story idea, and I struggled really hard to make it work. I'm giving hair pats to poor past me.

2005: The Wind Will Not Subside, Samurai Champloo, gen, 2609 words

This was the year where the optional details got a lot more optional than in previous years. I think my recipient really wanted Mugen/Fuu. I couldn't come up with an idea that was straight up Mugen/Fuu, and I ended up writing about Fuu and Jin and how they functioned in Mugen's absence.

2006: Glass Beads, Tactics, Haruka/Kantarou, 4540 words.

The year that I bought a bunch of reference material about Japanese folklore! Man, those books came in handy for Yuletides later on. And I'm still pleased with this story.

2007: Breakaway, Whistle!, Mizuno Tatsuya/Kazamatsuri Shou, 3801 words

Apparently I was super stealth about being into this fandom (Halrloprillalar is to blame), and people were surprised to find out I'd written it. Not in a bad way!

2007: Good Luck Pig, Nobuta wo Produce, Shuji/Akira, 2123 words

This was my first pinch hit since 2003. My schedule was not optimal, but I banged this out super fast, and I still think it's pretty adorable.

2008: Maybe, This Time, Banlieue 13, Damien/Leïto, 2810 words

Oh, what a film with such sweaty hot French parkour men in it. I had fun with you. I don't write action a lot, so that was a challenge.

2009: The Random Frantic Action that We Take, Odyssey 5, Kurt/Neil, 3219 words.

I didn't originally match on Odyssey 5. No, I chose to watch something entirely new to me and write a story about it. It was super difficult and I was so worried about pulling it off that I actually wrote a back up story in the original fandom I matched on just in case. Pretty proud of how it turned out.

2009: A Deficiency of Yang, Invisible Man, gen, 1245 words

The above-mentioned backup story. :)

2009: The Eviction Notice, The IT Crowd, Moss/Roy, 1952 words

Pinch hit! Man, I love these nerds and I love this show.

2010: Rumors on the Wind, Samurai Champloo, gen, 2047 words

And this time I wrote about Mugen and Fuu in Jin's absence. I started reviewing all four fandoms that my recipient requested regardless of whether I knew them while trying to remember how to write again. In fact, almost wrote Gakuen Heaven fic before I came up with this idea.

2010: Observe and Detect, Castle, Ryan/Esposito, 3178 words

It's funny how my pinch hits generally are more popular than my original assignment. I was pressed for time and flailing a lot at
nestra, but at least I'd written Castle and Samurai Champloo before, which made things slightly more easy.

2011: Turn a New Page, Tear the Old One Out, Breakfast Club, John Bender/Brian Johnson, 8057 words

When I got my assignment and began reading through Dear Yuletide letters for ideas, I found myself pausing on
healingmirth's desire to have John join the military. And the longer I thought about it, the more it became "challenge accepted!"

This story involved a lot of consultation and enough research that a certain search engine thought I was joining the Army.

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yuletide, fic

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