I emerge victorious once again

Sep 12, 2010 22:15

On Friday, I bought a drill. Today I removed the old fittings from the previous door, installed the overhead track and the floor bracket, drilled a hole for the door knob, and put up a fucking BI-FOLD DOOR like an ADULT. It was exactly as difficult as I was anticipating (VERY), and I don't want to do it again anytime soon, and oh, my god, my arms are like noodles now. If I didn't lift weights, I imagine this wouldn't have gone well. Trophy, please!

I went to Dragon*Con and had a very good time. I didn't manage to meet up with some people I wanted to see, but I did make it to some Stargate, Firefly, Quantum Leap, and MST3K panels. I returned with a mild case of con crud and a lot of shiny jewelry.

Work keeps being... interesting, and annual review time is upon us. I have been reacting to stress by staying up far too late reading Arthur/Eames and John/Sherlock, and when I'm not reading fic, I'm cooking like mad because of my CSA, or cleaning all the things while simultaneously watching the US Open. (Curse you, rain delay!) I started watching Hoarders on Netflix Instant Watch yesterday, and it has inspired me to dust and change air filters and declutter -- yes, I have stress.

My help_pakistan bidder would like some John/Rodney. I haven't settled on a story idea yet, so hit me with Atlantis prompts if you've got them!

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sga, dragoncon, netflix

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