allow me to introduce Fergus and Andy: boyyyyfriends

Sep 27, 2009 22:16

Hi, internets. I've been preoccupied with new television, new books, doing testing for the OTW (oh hai servers!), and forcing myself to go to the gym. I've also been trying to get more use out of my Netflix subscription, and recently I watched this surfer movie called Newcastle. And while the A plot with the lead character Jesse was okay (whatever, whatever), the B plot with Jesse's best friend and Jesse's little brother? ACES.

I didn't even know I had a best friend/sibling (older or younger) kink until now! I desperately needed some slash when I finished the movie, but there was none to be had. (Fannish blue balls, people!) I'm totally requesting this fandom and pairing for Yuletide.

Allow me to introduce Fergus and Andy, boyyyyfriends:

This is Fergus, the little brother.

He is a sweet young thing who plays the guitar and has purple hair.

Fergus dresses like a hipster.

And likes hanging out with his grandfather.

Fergus also likes someone else.

That would be Andy, the best friend. Andy's graceful and aloof, and a championship surfer.

Fergus, crushing like mad.

Andy is kind of ridiculously beautiful.

But Fergus is pretty damn adorable, too.

There's some tension, what with Andy being the best friend.

And Fergus being the tasty younger brother.

Make no mistake, Andy totally wants to hit that.

So the dudes are planning a weekend getaway on the sly.

Jesse doesn't want his little brother to come with. It would cramp his style!

Andy, however, invites Fergus anyway.

Can't imagine why.

And then there's skinny-dipping. Like you do.

This is the face of a young man who's just dropped trou to prove that he doesn't have stiffie, it's just that big. I'm completely serious.

I should note that Andy and Fergus are both naked right now.

Fergus has his trunks on again, but Andy? Still naked.

At the bonfire, everyone couples up, including Andy and Fergus.

They are so coupley and giggley and smiley that Jesse says something shitty to Fergus.

Fergus leaves the bonfire. Andy follows him. They stargaze!

And have a heart-to-heart.

Andy talks about his absentee father.

Fergus gets caught staring. Andy tells him to look all he likes.

And then Andy asks Fergus if he's gay. Fergus admits that he is.

Andy then asks Fergus if he wants to jerk off together. Fergus says, "Seriously?"

Andy? Serious. And flirty.

Sadly, they get interrupted by drunken teenage boy shenanigans, but at least they sleep in the same tent?

Bedhead Fergus is adorable.

Andy can't resist the adorable and offers to teach Fergus how to surf.

Clearly this is a ploy, as it allows Andy to keep putting his hands all over Fergus in full view of his buddies.

But then tragedy strikes!

Fergus, being awesome, remembers their discussion about astronomy and brings Andy a book to read. Awww.

They are so cute.


By the end, Andy gets better! And Fergus is still staring at him dreamily. (That guy in the middle is Jesse. Whatever, Jesse!)

In conclusion, boyfriends who need to be getting it on with each other. Y/Y/MFY?

picspam, yuletide

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