the state of me

Jun 14, 2009 16:05

Things that I've been up to lately:

* Finally remembered to purchase my Dragon*Con membership.

* On that note, I need to pay for the VividCon bar and extra DVD sets. I'm buying a set for arallara, so I have two sets left if anyone wants me to buy & ship. ETA: Both claimed!

* Signed up for mcshep_match. Team Peace!

* Bought my ticket to see Empires play at Schubas on August 26th, and I'm going to Taste of Chicago to see them play on June 26th. \o/ Finally, some concert dates where I'm not out of town!

* Accidentally said yes to being the Backup Test Lead for AD&T (OTW). This means that the next code deploy for the Archive of Our Own is going to require me to be organized and on top of things. Ahahaha. Oh, god.

* Started going to the gym. I hate it, but for the sake of my hypertension and high cholesterol (thanks, genetics!) I need to be more active and less indulgent with food. I now own a pill organizer, a scale, and exercise pants. And to help me exercise (ptui!), I bought an iPod shuffle. I like my tiny green rock machine; her name is Toph.

* In my vanishing free time, I've been trying to read more books and take better advantage of my Netflix subscription. (Lately this means that I'm watching everything with Karl Urban in it ever, including Comanche Moon. *facepalm*)

empires, john/rodney, archive of our own, otw, dragoncon, sga, mcshep match, concerts, vividcon

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