in the event of an emergency, bandspam

May 31, 2007 11:44

I've been shuffling around all week going, "Grar! Can't brain! Have the stupid!" A couple of problems have been following me around at work like yappy dogs, and I finally got the go-ahead to make them someone else's problem. Woo!

And you know what I'm going to do to celebrate? I'm going to reward myself with Frank Iero, god damn it:


Hi, Frank, you big dork!

I love this picture. This is a total "I CAN HAS CARNAGE?" expression, with the destruction you can see behind him.

He's just so pretty, you guys.

Just looking at this makes me happy. I've been troubleshooting printer problems in offices on the other side of the country. I WILL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET.

If you can look at him and not smile, I suspect that you have no magic in your soul.

He's a sweet little punk boy in a suit and tie!

Fierce tattoos and piercings on the outside, and the inside? Is a ganache center. Seriously, he's an adorable fluffy puppy.

A fluffy dorky puppy.

An extremely pretty fluffy dorky puppy.

And hot. Did I mention hot?

I guess I just assume people take that as a given.

Yeah, you heard that right, I'm talking about you, Frankie.

Crazy little man.

Strike a pose!

Sweet Christ, how is that so hot? He's just standing there!

Sometimes I kind of miss the old hair and makeup.

But I do like it when Frank looks like a real boy, too.

I pretty much like how he looks all the time.

It's a curse I am willing to bear.

And I'm just saying, the look Frank's been sporting lately? Yeah, that works.

With the long hair and the adorable.

Long hair curling over his neck.

Frank, how are you so pretty?

Frank was wearing this the last time he was on Steven's Untitled Rock Show.

A show in which Frank and Gerard were adorable, and Steven continued to mancrush hardcore on both of them. Go you with your mancrushing, Steven!

And Frank talked about sleeping naked with Gerard.

Bless you for being a little shit, Frank!

Bless you for having such a mouth.

I don't doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.

The only real problem I have with the longer hair is that we can't see your eyes, Frank.

But you can fix that by headbanging!

Or you can distract me by doing that.

Gnrrgh. Okay, yes, I approve.

I also approve of Frank in short hair and tight jeans.

And I am always here to validate Frank's choice to writhe on the stage.

I just want to draw sparkly pink hearts around all their faces.

Hey, you guys! There are some pretty, dorky boys here to save your lives!

They're saving my life just by standing around and being awesome.

Saving my life right now, and it's fucking great!

So cute!

Okay, that's not my life you're saving right now, but I'm totally not arguing.

This is the sound of me not complaining.

I'm glad Frank is around to rescue Mikeyway from death by toaster.

Frank's awesome at mommying people.

I suspect Ray doesn't need much mommying, though.

Ray always seems pretty together, you know?

Although someone to lean on is good sometimes.

Is it wrong that I love how Ray practically has to bend in half in order to lean on Frank? It's freaking adorable.

Although possibly not as adorable as Frank and Bob.

If you haven't watched Life on the Murder Scene, you won't know exactly how much Frank is giggling here. And that, my friends, is a crime.

I love how Frank climbs on Bob like a crazy little monkey.

He climbs on Bob and Bob's drums. Although probably not as much now that Bob's on a riser.

This band is so pretty that they should come with a warning label.

They look like a hot gang about to go fuck some shit up. Which is hilarious when you consider that they're fuzzy little Care Bears.

It's just -- look, Frank and Ray have chemistry WITH THE WALL. How does that happen?

Even their manager Brian is hot.

So I'm just going to sit back and enjoy.

I'm pretty sure my enjoyment has been evident all along.

And work has piled up in my inbox while I've been staring at Frank. Isn't that always the way?

my chemical romance, frank iero, picspam

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