fandoms i have known

Nov 19, 2006 15:09

ratcreature kindly reminded me that I hadn't yet posted an answer key to this meme. (I was, uh, off writing for yuletide? 2,515 words and still going strong! Although now I am beginning to believe that it sucks completely, right on schedule!) So here it is:

1. Farscape. You're insane. Hot like burning, but completely insane. You're big and loud and colorful, and you took huge risks that didn't always pay off -- but when they did, it was magic. We never should have gone into business together. I have so much baggage from that, and I know it wasn't your fault. I'll get over it. We'll be good again, I promise.

2. Highlander. I used to sneak out to meet you in high school. In college we were inseparable, and you kept me sane in trying times. Now that we're older I don't see you as much, but every time I do, I remember how much I love you. You're a total dork and you make no sense, but you're still sexy and funny and kind of awesome. You always made me feel warm.

3. La Femme Nikita. You were so tall, stylish, and sleek, and I was too young to realize how you would change my life forever. Those first few years were all passion and ardent, giddy declarations of love. Man, we were wild and stupid, and we thought we'd live forever. But eventually the country mouse had to grow up, and emotionally I'd already moved on when you tripped over your ego, lost your way, and started hitting the bottle. Sometimes I think about calling you because I feel like I owe you something, but baby, I see who you're keeping company with these days, and they scare me.

4. Angel. My friends dragged me out to a club, and I thought I had better things to do until I saw you across that crowded dance floor. We fucked in a bathroom stall without even exchanging names, and when I woke up beside you the next morning with bedhead and a dead thing in my mouth, I was impressed with myself. You were hot and dysfunctional, wore too much black, and had a self-destructive streak the size of Mexico, but somehow you still could make me laugh like I was twelve. Call me. Bring the handcuffs.

5. Due South. I met you when you were still reeling from a bad divorce, with the stalking and the restraining orders and the friends taking sides, but I didn't know that until I'd already fallen hard for your pretty face and your wounded heart. It took a lot of work to get past that, but I knew you were worth it. You're beautiful and crazy in the best way, and I find such comfort in you. We need to go on vacation for a week and spend the entire time in the hotel.

6. Firefly. We were brilliant together. I still wonder what might have happened if you hadn't gone away.

7. Stargate: Atlantis. My friends tried to set me up with you for a long time, but I wouldn't have it. I wasn't interested in a relationship. Any relationship. They told me that we'd be perfect for each other, and when they finally ambushed me with you, I realized they knew me all too well. You make me so happy. We're going to grow old and never have children together. Have some chocolate peanut butter pie, sugarpants.

8. Avatar: The Last Airbender. You're such a sweet boy. You're going to grow up to be an amazing man, and I just want to watch it happen.

9. Supernatural. I was minding my own business when you passed me on the sidewalk, flashing me that cocky smile. I tripped and skinned my knee, and you didn't laugh. Much. You've got broad shoulders, big hands, and you're too pretty to live. You sing power ballads in the shower and eat all the cookies, and you're a total manwhore, but as long as you keep smiling at me like that, I just don't care.

10. DC Comics. We've known each other for a long time, but we only got close in recent years. I love you. I love you madly, but I don't always love the things that you do. I can't rationalize your behavior every day, so sometimes I need to sit in the dark with the photo albums and the weird jewelry you bought me to remember what it's like when you're taking your meds. You'll break my heart if I let you.

11. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Everyone said you were great, but I didn't pay attention to you for years. One day I looked over and saw you in the produce department at the grocery, and I thought, "Who is that?" I had to know everything about you. You affected me so deeply that you changed the way I spoke. I'll always love you for the way you made me cry, even though it was difficult to like you sometimes. Everybody makes mistakes, honey. You gave me so much that it would be petty if I couldn't forgive yours.

12. Harry Potter. I watch you from a safe distance because you're completely balls-out batshit insane. I like you like I like my coffee: covered in bees!

13. NCIS. You're pretty and you make me laugh, but I won't marry a Republican.

14. Sports Night. I met you when I was dating someone else, but we got on like a house on fire. Whenever we're together, we cannot stop talking. I endure your puns with grace. You always remember my birthday. If neither of us is married by the time we're 60, you wanna get hitched?

15. Samurai Champloo. I couldn't stop talking about how hot you were for months. You're just. And I. Damn it, you can still make me flail wordlessly. It's embarrassing. I used to be articulate. But all you have to do is look at me, and I... wait, what was I saying?

16. Smallville. We were great for a couple of years, but then I had to move away and didn't see you for a long time. I keep intending to visit, but it never seems to happen. Friends say you're not doing too well. Are you okay?

17. Fullmetal Alchemist. A friend introduced us. I liked you okay on the first date. I enjoyed the second and the third. Then a couple of weeks went by and something happened to me. I needed to see you all the time. I missed work. I barely slept. Spending time with you was like a rollercoaster and a funeral and a really fucked-up fairy tale, and I needed it. My addiction to you finally evened out over time, but man, you're so complicated that I feel like I barely know you. Good thing we've got years to fix that.

18. Saiyuki. The things I want to do to you are probably illegal. It's a good thing that there are four of you.

19. Scrubs. When I'm with you, you make me laugh so hard that my face hurts. Stay gold, Ponyboy.

20. Hard Core Logo. We got drunk and sloppy and had lots of sex, some of it bad, none of it great. You were living in a trailer park and you thought I was slumming it, but I wasn't the yuppie you took me for. When I think of you, I think of your eyes. Warm beer. Overflowing ashtrays. And your fucking awesome music collection.


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