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Jan 13, 2006 19:06

oO... i went to hk for the past few days wit vic it woz pretty cool, and oh my god i got to speak english with someone for like the first time in five weeks? yay! but hes gone now coz he haz other places to go... and lucky him he gets to go bak to australia in less than a week and i still hav 20 days to wait...
argh china sucks when you have nothing to do, the first few weeks woz good but now im just bored and counting down days bak to aus... =.=

we went to the hk disneyland and its tiny! but half of it woznt open yet so it woznt all that great but we bought sum stuff and went on sum rides and it woz ok... i spent most of my time trying to convince mum to lemme hav a dog and i kinda succeeded i guess... if i get good grades this year i get a dog... she said if i get grades sumthing like this year itll be good so im thinking, ill hav a dog by the end of this year =D. oO exciting!

oO in hong kong i got white in ears =D ehhe and they only cost me 248... which is like 40 bucks =D! they cost like 120 in australia hahaha! i gave my black ones to vic (his ones got stolen aaages ago)
so we just went around looking at cool stuff... and wishing we had more money... but his parents let him get this sick mp3 player (even tho hes got an ipod, but his parents dont know bout it so he cant really use it around them)... anywayz his mp3 is soo cool its a sony 6G NW-A1000...he got a blue one, go look it up on google it nuts. u cant see the screen but words show up and ur like whoaa =D. but it duznt work on his mac lol! he plans to go on my comp to transfer music instead XD. damn i want one...
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