Dec 29, 2005 22:14
okay... i stand corrected... it IS pretty damn cold in beijing... in fact its VERY damn cold in beijing...
i went with my mum and sis for a few days, and now im back in a much warmer shenzhen ^^
i thought it woz great... people there are really nice (unlike here in shenzhen), and its also too cold haha
so.. the first day... saturday
had to get up early =.= hate that... plane trip sucked... it woz chinese airline and the food sucked and there woz no screen! the singapore airline one that i took from australia had a screen and everything and u can pick ur movies and stuff. ye well the plane trip sucked...
we stayed at a friends apartment, nobody usually stays tehre our friend just had a spare apartment and all, pretty nice place with a flaw, you cant turn the bloody heating off! its really annoying, outside its too cold, inside its too damn hot!
and because the heatings on all day its really dry inside the apartment so you end up waking up in the middle of the night with really dry throat so i ended up having to take a water bottle with me to sleep... >.<
second day woz umm sunday? christmas day
oh my god it woz cold, we went to this palace place that the emperors used to live in, yes it woz a big place, you could say it woz a nice place but not the sort of place id like to live in. another thing, SO MUCH EMPTY SPACE BETWEEN BUILDINGS! WTF! the buildign were size of normal houses, there woz quite a lot of them and then theres like twenny billion square metres of empty space! what for????!?!?!?
it kindof sucked coz it duznt really feel like christmas in china so yeh kinda i missed christmas? =[ >.<
third day, ok monday
cant remember what we did that morning but that afternoon we went to a place where the empress would go to umm, i dno go when she had the time? massive gardens, frozen lake (omg so damn cold) lots of buildings again and not too much empty space this time. ooh i went onto frozen like and slid for a bit it woz pretty good fun, neva walked on a frozen lake b4 =/ and oh my god i saw a fish frozen in the ice XDXD funniest thing eva
alright, tuesday
great wall of china, it woz pretty cool, not as cold coz it woz high up and the sun was shining. not much to say about it just lots of wall... i dont no how long but it woliud take sumone ages to walk it me thinks.
oh my god taht night, our friend somehow managed to get us to have dinner in the chinese parliament house or whatever its called some big place that normal people cant get into even if they have money, people cant even get a look inside there! but we had dinner there it woz amazing. it turns out our friend in beijing is pretty well connected. that night wouldve costed alot (we didnt pay so we didnt know) but damn it woz probably about 2000 a person, about 360 australian a person... expensive?
after that our well connected friend also got us tickets to a piano concert of umm richard sumthing forgot his name, hes french tho he woz pretty good. i dont know how we got tickets either, well connected again i guess?
we went to some place it woz pretty boring, it woz like a place the emperors went again, and there woz LOTS OF EMPTY
after that we went to a market but almost eveyrwhere woz closed coz it woz cold but we went to sum shops and tehre were sum crazy things there, i bought a couple of very old padlocks... theyre wierd =/
oh my god that night we went out to this street and the river on the side of the street woz frozen and people were ice-skating so we looked around and found a place to hire some shoes and i went ice skating w00t good fun, neva dun it b4 and haha it woz on a frozen river too. i pretty much sucked at it, it really hurt my feet (i dont think iw oz doing it properly) but i only fell a few times coz i woz going too fast lol
okok thursday,
got up damn early, like quarter past six, mum wanted to go watch them raise the flag outside the chinese parliament house (whatever its called)... me n sis were like 'nothing special about watchign flag!' but mums like we're going, so we went, and woz late and missed it, but there woz actaully like a whole horde of people that went to watch, we saw so many ppl just leaving as we got there.
oh my god it woz cold this morning, but we bought like hot coffee and all and warmed up a bit, then we went back to where we were staying to pack.
to airport, onto plane and again the plane trip sucked and i felt sick all the way >.< =[
finished dinner jsut before, took me like 20 minutes to write this entry, and like whoa longest entry EVER.