I just thought everyone might find this amusing.

Mar 07, 2005 21:22

This is an interesting note-passing conversation that occurred between myself and a cute friend in my Art 111 (Drawing I) class today.

Me: You're riding a bit low in the back. Thought you might like to know.
Your friendly neighborhood Shayperson

Her: THANKS! At least you didn't drop a coin down there and make a wish! ^_^

Me: Quarter, dime, nickel, or penny? Or perhaps a half-dollar or a silver dollar?

Her: HALF (or silver) DOLLAR?!
WOAH, didn't know me buncheeks were so far apart!

Me: I was inquiring as to your coin preference for wishes/tips.

Her: Doesn't matter! Nuthing like a president's face peering out from your butt-crack! ^_^

Me: How about the new Sacajaweyah $ coins that are the size of a quarter?

Her: Woohoo! Native American heros! Forget Lincoln!

Me: What about Yen coins? Yen are nice.

Her: ooh, foreign coins! Heard they leave glorious imprints...

Me: So do hands, but I'm not going there...

Her: Nah! Coins got more detail.

Me: I could fix that.

She was laughing too hard to reply at that point. I was as well. I can't wait until class on Wednesday ^_^
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