Оригинал взят у
philologist в
Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London). Часть 3Британская Национальная галерея обладает одним из лучших собраний западноевропейской живописи, где содержатся полотна практически всех великих художников, а также представлены все школы европейской живописи. На сегодняшний день в галерее хранится около двух с половиной тысяч картин.
Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child adored by Two Angels
Altobello Melone - The Road to Emmaus
Andrea Mantegna - The Agony in the Garden
A Still Life of Flowers in a Wan-Li Vase
Agnolo Gaddi - The Coronation of the Virgin
Albrecht Altdorfer - Christ taking Leave of his Mother
Albrecht Altdorfer - Landscape with a Footbridge
Alessandro Longhi - Caterina Penza
Alesso Baldovinetti - Portrait of a Lady
Alexandre Calame - The Lake of Thun
Alfred Stevens - The Present
Allart van Everdingen - A Saw-mill by a Torrent
Allegretto Nuzi - Saint Catherine and Saint Bartholomew
Altobello Melone - Christ carrying the Cross
Alvise Vivarini - Portrait of a Man
Alvise Vivarini - The Virgin and Child
Ambrogio Bergognone - Christ carrying the Cross
Ambrogio Bergognone - The Agony in the Garden
Ambrogio Bergognone - The Virgin and Child with Saints
Ambrogio Bergognone - The Virgin and Child
Ambrogio Lorenzetti - A Group of Poor Clares
Ambrosius Benson - The Magdalen Reading
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder - Flowers in a Glass Vase
An Artist Sketching in the Cloister of S. Gregorio, Venice - Lord Leighton Frederic
Andrea and Raffaello del Brescianino - The Madonna and Child with Saints
Andrea Busati - The Entombment
Andrea del Sarto - Portrait of a Young Man
Andrea del Sarto - The Madonna and Child, Saint Elizabeth and the Baptist
Andrea del Verrocchio - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels
Andrea del Verrocchio and assistant (Lorenzo di Credi) - The Virgin and Child with Two Angels
Andrea di Aloigi - The Virgin and Child
Andrea Mantegna - Samson and Delilah
Andrea Mantegna - The Holy Family with Saint John
Andrea Mantegna - The Virgin and Child with Saints
Andrea Previtali - Christ Blessing
Andrea Previtali - Salvator Mundi
Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with a Shoot of Olive
Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with a Supplicant
Andrea Previtali - The Virgin and Child with Saints
Andrea Sacchi - Saints Anthony Abbot and Francis of Assisi
Andrea Schiavone - Arcas Hunting
Andrea Solario - A Man with a Pink
Andrea Solario - Giovanni Cristoforo Longoni
Andries Vermeulen - A Scene on the Ice
Angelo Caroselli - The Plague at Ashdod (after Poussin)
Annibale Carracci - Christ appearing to Saint Anthony Abbot
Annibale Carracci - Christ appearing to Saint Peter on the Appian Way
Annibale Carracci - Marsyas and Olympus
Annibale Carracci - Silenus gathering Grapes
Annibale Carracci - The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries)
Annibale Carracci - The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Anthony van Dyck - Lord John Stuart and his Brother, Lord Bernard Stuart
Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Woman and Child
Anthony van Dyck - Portrait of a Woman
См. также:
Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London). Часть 1*
Британская Национальная галерея (National Gallery, London). Часть 2