
Aug 03, 2008 18:41

Last movie you saw in a theater: Jaane tu...ya jaane na

What book are you reading: More like solving this book called 'Amusements in Mathematics' by Henry Dudeney orginally published in 1917. Fantastic book!

Favorite board game: Well, Scrabble, but have never played too much of it. Other favs include snakes and ladders, chinese checkers and does carrom count?

Favoite smells: Petrichor, Y's cologne, Mom's distinct scent, hot food on a rainy day, freshly washed linen and I could go on and on...

Favorite sound: Well, these days it is the sound of my baby's heartbeat. Yup, the stork visits us in February.

Worst feeling in the world: Those days when I know something is not right and my premonition comes true

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?: Wish Y was here and when he is here, I wake up with a song in my heart

Favorite fast food place? None in particular. I have developed a sudden dislike for Pizza Hut and their ilk

Future child's name: Well, that child is still a few months away so lots of time to pick names until then.

Finish this statement. "If I had a lot of money, I'd....":Better not go there. Lots of wishes to fulfill for myself and for others.

Do you drive fast:Hee. Yes

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:My stuffed animal is with me intermittently.. *sigh*

Storms - Cool or scary:Cool!

What was your first car:The first car I drove was my father's Fiat. Don't own a car,more like a co-owner of Y's car and I don't even drive it. :P

Favorite drink: Water

Finish this statement. "If I had the time, I would...":Finish this business of being an adult ASAP and go back to living a life of standing and staring at people crawling to work

Do you eat the stems on broccoli? No broccoli for me, thanks!

If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice? Still some years left until I *have* to dye my hair.. but brown would be my first choice

Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in:Pune, Paratwada, Nagpur, Dhanu, Baroda, Dehradun and yeah, that's it

Favorite sports to watch: Gymnastics, Diving, Swimming, Synchronished swimming and maybe football ( nice eye candy!).. but only sometimes.

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you: alented photographer and from her blog, am assuming she is a chilled out kinda gal

What's under your bed?:Bags filled with clothes

Would you like to be born as yourself again? Yup!

Morning person or night owl? Cn be either way but don't enjoy being a morning person

Easy or sunny side up?Don't like eggs

Favorite place to relax:My bedroom

Favorite pie: None

Favorite ice cream flavor - Vanilla and chocolate

Of all the people you tagged this to, who is most likely to respond first? I think everybody has already done this, except me, of course!
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