(no subject)

Oct 14, 2005 10:52

For some reason I have been craving a lot of ice cream recently. This is only troubling because I am lactose intolerant, and never hold up well to urges.
Went skateboarding last night with C. Learned how to stand on the damn thing correctly, as well as to basic maneuvering. However, I am not comfortable with stopping. Then we went crazy-go-nuts and ran around the elementary school, climbed on jungle gyms and dared each other to do crazy dangerous things. Like jumping off of the swing set, like climbing on top of the monkey bars without using out hands. Then we went to Marryannes for Ice Cream. We bugged the server for a million samples, and ended buying our favorite Ice Cream anyway. (Hers is chocolate chip cookie dough. Mine is rainbow sherbert.) Ran into L.P. at the Ice Cream shop. C. Went off afterwards how she thought L.P's boyfriend (ahem, male companion) was gay, I told her to ShutthefuckupC. But that was because I was really annoyed with her. We drove the rest of the way in comparative silence, and I contemplated why I keep being mean to her. Somehow C. acts completly different when we are in public then when we are alone. Alone, I comprehend C. I can finish her sentences, guess what she wants to do next, laugh at her jokes. As soon as someone else comes into the picture she turns into this loud flashy disco ball. This person I don't even know who knows everyone and their mother, and I honestly can't deal with that switch.

After I dropped her off, I ignored my cell phone when she called, and took the skateboard to go check my mail. On the way back to module #29 I wiped out so completely thoroughly that I had to take a bath. Made a few phone calls. Appologized and was apologiezed to by C, and finally L. came home for a minute before she went to go spend the night with JT. Tried to not care about not finishing my syntax homework, only to drag myself out of bed to finish it in the middle of the night while eating ice cream.
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