FIC: Drabbles

Feb 03, 2006 12:08

Whoo... So yeah, becuase I'm a bad, bad little mod, here's a multi-drabble post.

Title: So... Wait... Tell Me Again?
Author: Corinthian_Sin
Challenge: Non-Challenge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be.
Pairings: James/Lily
Rating: G
Summary: Lily tried to explain an at home pregnancy test.
Word Count: 136
Archived at: Corinthian_Sin and FanFic100.
Author's Notes: Just for fun. No squicks, no warnings.

"So... Wait... Tell me again?"

"Oh honestly! How many times to I have to repeat this to you?"

"Just once more! Honestly!"

"All right. This is a tester..."

"Uh huh..."

"And this is the result..."

"How do you get the result?"

"You don’t want to know. Trust me. As I was saying... This is the result from the test."

"And what does it mean again?"

"You know, most men wouldn’t need to be told this more than once."

"I just want to be sure that I’m understanding all of this."

"I understand that. But is it really necessary for me to tell you this twelve times?"

"Completely sure."

"It means that we are going to begin our own family."


After looking at his wife thoughtfully for a moment, James promptly passed out at Lily’s feet.

Title: Bigger And Bigger And Bigger
Author: Corinthian_Sin
Challenge: Non-Challenge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be.
Pairings: James/Lily
Rating: G
Summary: James finally understands that a baby is coming.
Word Count: 148
Archived at: Corinthian_Sin and FanFic100.
Author's Notes: Just for fun. No squicks, no warnings.

When the reality of the situation clicked in James' mind, he immediately went and bought up all the books he could find. He read up on soft spots and holding, feeding and burping, and how to change a diaper. He asked Remus for everything he knew and learned a few things. He asked Sirius for everything he knew, and learned absolutely nothing. (Other than the fact that, despite the weight and occasional color similarity, babies cannot be used in place of Quaffles.) He even learned a few things from Peter, who knew someone with a baby.

But as far as James was concerned, it just wasn't enough.

"We can't have a baby! I don't know how to be a father!" He exclaimed one day while they were painting the nursery.

Lily's middle didn't listen to James' desperation though; it just continued to get bigger and bigger and bigger.

Title: Mockingbird
Author: Corinthian_Sin
Challenge: Non-Challenge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be.
Pairings: James/Lily, Baby Harry
Rating: G
Summary: The first night that baby Harry is home.
Word Count: 120
Archived at: Corinthian_Sin and FanFic100.
Author's Notes: Just for fluff. No squicks, no warnings.

Lily smiled serenely from the doorway, quietly watching James with Harry. They had been home all of two hours and James had taken to fatherhood like a duck to water.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird."

He knew all the right moves, how long to warm the bottle, exactly how to hold Harry so he wouldn't accidentally get hurt, even how to burp him without getting stained in the process.

"And if that mockingbird don't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring."

Lily moved over next to James and looked down at the sleeping form of their son.

"You know, Lils... I think this is a very nice end to the day."

Title: I Don't Wanna
Author: Corinthian_Sin
Challenge: Non-Challenge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be.
Pairings: James/Lily, Baby Harry
Rating: G
Summary: James really doesn't want to change Harry's diaper.
Word Count: 347
Archived at: Corinthian_Sin and FanFic100.
Author's Notes: Because I'm evil and I can. No squicks, no warnings.

Harry was crying, very loudly.

"No. Absolutely not. I refuse. You can't make me."

"Oh for the love of Merlin, James! Just take Harry, get over there, and get it over with! You're going to have to do it some time!"

"But why can't you do it, Lily? You've always done it before!"

"Because I'm busy right now and you're not."

Harry's cries were getting louder.

"I am too busy!"


"Things! Important things!"

Lily thrust the bawling baby into James arms and pointed to a small table, on which sat a pile of diapers and a box of damp cloths. "Go."

James wrinkled his nose at his son, then sighed and turned towards the table, setting the baby down upon it carefully. He eyes the small child, then whipped out his wand.

"If you cast Silencio on my son, James Potter, I swear to Merlin I'll use your antlers as a hat rack!"

"I wasn't going to! I was gone cast something on me!" With a quick wiggle of his wand, a large bubble appeared around James head, instantly giving some relief to his predicament. He knew the entire situation wasn't going to get better though, until he did as his wife ordered.

"Do I have to?" James pled over his shoulder, hoping for mercy.

"Yes, James, do you. Now."

James sighed like a man going to the chopping block, then turned back to his son, who was wailing at beyond the top of his little lungs.

"All right. Here we go." James grimaces and reached down to his son's diaper, pulled on the velcro tabs at the sides that were holding it closed, and opened the diaper, glancing down at the contents inside.

Lily whirled around at the loud thump of a body hitting the floor and the increased screams of her child. "Oh for Heaven's sake!" She threw her hands up, set down everything she was working on, and went over to change her son's diaper.

She also made sure to kick the prone form of her unconscious husband a few times as she did so.

Title: Picnic, Anyone?
Author: Corinthian_Sin
Challenge: Non-Challenge
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never have been, never will be.
Pairings: James/Lily, Baby Harry
Rating: G
Summary: The Potters on a picnic.
Word Count: 369
Archived at: Corinthian_Sin and FanFic100.
Author's Notes: Just for fun. No squicks, no warnings.

"Oh James, this is beautiful!"

"I thought you'd like it."

Lily smiled and looked across the grassy knoll that James had lead her to, then turned back to her husband and kissed him. He smiled down at her and their young son, who was gurgling happily and gnawing on his fingers, then turned back to the knoll and took a deep breath of the fresh air. With a quick flick of his wand, he had their blanket out and on the ground, held down on the corners to keep the breeze from pulling it away. He grinned back at his family, then sat down on the blanket, pulled off his shoes and socks, and reclined on his back.

"Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to help me hold this blanket down?"

"Why? Is it going to run away?"

"You never know."

"Well then, perhaps I should help you. Just to be sure." Lily laughed, then sat down on the blanket next to James, setting Harry down between them so he could crawl around and explore. James idly flicked his wand again, setting a ward to make sure Harry didn't get too far, then leaned pillowed his arms under his head.

"So what did you pack for us?" Lily pulled the basket away from James and began rummaging through it. "Oh! Grapes!" She pulled out the large purple clumps, plucked one off, and popped it in her mouth.

"Feed me a grape, will you Lils?"

She dropped the whole clump on his face. "Feed yourself. The only man around here that I feed is currently chewing on your sock." She pulled it away from Harry. "No, no, dear. That's yucky. You don't want to eat that."

"Clean it." James muttered from under the grapes. "It won't hurt him. And if it does, I'll kill every sock in the house."

"Kill the socks?"

"Unravel them, kill them. Whatever."

Lily sighed, cleaned the sock with a quick spell, handed it back to her son -- who instantly shoved it back in his mouth -- and then laid back, looking up at the clouds and smiling in the warm breeze. "What a lovely day for a picnic."

005/100 Completed For FanFic100

author: corinthian_sin, non challenge post, drabble, fandom: harry potter, personal challenge, harry potter, lily potter, rating: g, james potter

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