FIC: Orphan- part 6

Jan 16, 2006 16:46

Title: Orphan
Author: barbie_manish
Disclaimer: Didn't you know? I sold my left pinky to JK Rowling to use the Potterverse
Pairings(in order): Harry/Vernon, Vampire!Harry/Piers Polkiss, Vampire!Severus/Vampire!Harry, Vampire!Severus/Piers Polkiss/Vampire!Harry,
Summary: Harry contracts a dormant Vampirism from Vernon Dursley and takes Piers as his permanant donor.
Word Count: 1206
Archived at:The Ambiguous Inmate's Adult Fiction Archive
Author’s Notes: This takes place before Harry's Second Year... AU, Chan, Violence, Non-Con, Child Abuse, BDSM, Incest,
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Piers heard the door open and struggled to keep his back turned to his visitors. He would not bow to their demands so easily. Sure, he'd agreed to be their donor, if only to avoid the blame for the Orphan's murder of the Dursleys, but he would not make this easy for them. He heard the hard steps of the old man's boots and inwardly cringed. Something about the man gave him the serious creeps. It was like Potter times ten.

"Mr. Polkiss?" Snape drawled in his deep, commanding voice.

Piers grunted his response, sure that they wouldn't do anything to harm him as long as he was the only source of life that Potter had left.

"I've brought Potter with me, Mr. Polkiss..."

Piers huffed; did Snape really think he was scared of that little freak?

"Piers?" Harry squeaked tentatively. He sounded just as weak as he always had, but this time, Piers knew better.

"You're here to feed, I suppose?" Piers hissed over his shoulder, not bothering to look at the boy who'd ruined his life so completely.

"It's that or the Muggle World..." Snape hissed menacingly, making no moves to disguise his threat.

Piers turned to face his childhood victim and murderer of his childhood friend. He'd have never thought it would come down to this. Potter looked nervous, and guilty, and broken. Piers had seen that look on the Orphan boy before. That was the look the boy carried when he truly believed that he had done something wrong, and was truly miserable about it.

So why does he look that way now?

Piers walked over to the new vampire and reached his hand out to cup Potter's chin. The boy was much shorter, though only a year or two younger than Piers was. He wouldn't pretend he didn't know why; everyone on Privet Drive knew about the cupboard, and beatings, and starving. No one did a damn thing to stop it, but everyone knew. Of course, not everyone got to see the damage close up, hiding in those sad green eyes.

Damage that Piers, himself, had added to.

"I've assured Mr. Polkiss that the sexual aspects of the feeding will be released upon my own person." Snape drawled, putting his hand down on Piers's shoulder. Piers looked up at the man and saw just how pleasant he thought it to be; he must have been wanting to lay the boy since day one.

Potter nodded calmly, but Piers could see a hint of a blush. The boy actually looked somewhat decent when his face took on a pinker shade, but still not decent enough to have the sexual aspects accepted by Piers. He looked up at his teacher and smiled, seeing the near smile that played upon the dour man's lips.

Potter turned back to Piers and approached. Piers wasn't entirely sure what would be happening when they were in the middle of feeding and Potter wanted to play, but he trusted that the older of the freaks would keep the Orphan from acting on it. The two of them could play later, in private; they deserved each other.

Snape stopped Potter and whispered something in the boy's ear that made him blush even deeper. He reached to his belt and unlatched it, letting the baggy jeans puddle to the floor. Snape was digging around in his own pocket until he pulled out a small bottle filled with clear, oily liquid.

Potter knelt down on his knees and stretched his arse out to the older man while Snape squeezed a good amount of oil on his fingers and knelt down behind him. Piers watched in horrified fascination as Snape pushed a slick finger into Potter's backside, maneuvering it in and out of the little freak. Potter moaned and pushed back on the finger until Snape pulled his hand back enough to slip two fingers in.

I don't want to watch this! I don't want to watch this! Piers chanted to himself, unable to turn away from the spectacle that the two had made of themselves.

Potter moaned and Piers felt his own arse tingle. He shifted and felt his hardness pressing up against his leg in his rather tight jeans.

I don't want to watch this!

Snape smacked Potter's butt and the boy shakily moved into a seated position.

"Mr. Polkiss, if you would join us?"

Piers sauntered over and sat down on the ground facing the freakiest of the freaks. He would soon be vampire food and forever stuck in this world he'd never even knew existed. He swallowed around a lump in his throat and willed his erection away as Snape pushed his charge toward Piers's neck.

"Lick the skin to bring the veins to the surface." Snape commanded.

Potter obeyed.

"Bite the vein along the side of his neck."

Potter obeyed.

Instinct must have kicked in because Snape was no longer giving orders and Potter was taking the lead like he'd done it a million times. The feeding wasn't painful; it felt rather like a girl suckling on Piers's neck to bring the bruising blood to the surface of his skin. He could feel Potter begin to thrust against him, running his hands down Piers's body.

A pair of much larger, stronger hands lifted Potter gently from his place, pulling him onto a now naked lap. Piers opened his eyes to see the concentration on Snape's face as he impaled Potter upon his slick shaft. Harry moaned into Piers's neck and began thrusting back into the man behind him.

Piers tried to ignore the hardness of his cock and the strange, empty wetness between his cheeks, while the two of them grunted, groaned, moaned, and mewled above him. Before long, he found himself thrusting into them, desperate for friction.

Piers thrust against the floor, needing movement inside him. He felt the frustrated tears welling in his eyes before those strong hands encircled his own thighs. Piers was lifted up and impaled upon his Vampire's throbbing length. He and Potter moaned together and one of the hands encircled Piers's own leaking member.

With Potter thrusting into him and Snape giving him an expert hand job, Piers wasn't long finding his climax. He felt his balls tighten and his entire body convulse in pleasure, tremors throwing him around his Vampire for something solid to hold on to. He felt Potter spill himself deep within, and felt Snape's thrusts still as he came with a relieved sigh.

It was complete... It was perfect.


Severus looked down at the boys in his lap and felt the pain of knowing that he would soon be losing them both. His beautiful boys, who he'd tried so hard to bring together, would never again be his.

"Snape?" Polkiss murmered, sleepily.

"Mr. Polkiss?"

"How did you..." Polkiss started, pausing to think for a moment, "The lube... Fingers..."

"Instinct." Severus sighed, "Your body took over as soon as you were marked as the Donor..."


Small snores started coming from the both of them as they slept, still entwined on Severus's lap. He adjusted the three of them to be lying down and settled in for himself. Surely, it couldn't hurt to stay just this once...


harry/piers/severus, warning: first time, warning: incest, severus snape, warning: dub-con, author: barbie_manish, harry/vernon, warning: rimming, albus dumbledore, harry potter, vernon dursley, vampire, chapfic: orphan, warning: chan, the weasleys, harry/severus, harry/piers, non challenge post, rating: nc-17, fandom: harry potter, warning: food sex, warning: bloodplay, piers polkiss, warning: angst, lucius malfoy, warning: bdsm

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