FIC: Orphan- part 2

Jan 13, 2006 10:53

Title: Orphan
Author: barbie_manish
Disclaimer: Didn't you know? I sold my left pinky to JK Rowling to use the Potterverse
Pairings(in order): Harry/Vernon, Vampire!Harry/Piers Polkiss, Vampire!Severus/Vampire!Harry, Vampire!Severus/Piers Polkiss/Vampire!Harry,
Summary: Harry contracts vampirism and it's up to Severus Snape to keep him in check.
Word Count: 961
Archived at:The Ambiguous Inmate's Adult Fiction Archive
Author’s Notes: This takes place before Harry's Second Year... AU, Chan, Violence, Non-Con, Child Abuse, BDSM, Incest,
Part 1


”Harry!” Molly Weasley screeched when she saw his beaten form standing in her doorway shortly before breakfast. “Harry, dear! Come in! Come in!”

Harry hastily complied and was met with greetings from three rabid Weasley boys, who had been waiting eagerly for breakfast to be served. After they got a good look at him, Ron’s screech of “What happened?” accompanied by the twins’ synchronic “Bloody Hell!” echoed through the suddenly too quiet room.

Harry lowered his face and tried to hide his bloodied fangs when Ron, Fred, and George rushed over to help him with anything he needed assistance with and plenty of things he didn’t.

They sat him down in a chair and Molly wasted no time in shoving a full plate of food in his face. Harry almost gagged at the sight of normal food and rushed to the bathroom. He would tell them he was sick; no problem. He looked into the mirror and jumped when he saw his clothes standing without a body. He had figured out what he was, but he hadn't been sure how obvious it would be.

"Harry, dear? Are you alright?" Molly asked through the door as Harry was washing the blood from his mouth, mourning the loss of the metallic taste.

"I'll be fine, Mrs. Weasley..." He said, opening the door, "Just not feeling well..."

"Perhaps some juice?" She asked, putting her hand against his cool cheeks

Harry nodded and sat down at the table. He'd washed his face, and no one else seemed to mind the blood on his clothes, though the smell was definitely putting Harry in a right state; his fangs were trying to jump from his jaw and sink into the blood soaked cloth.

"Harry, what happened?" Molly asked in concern, letting Harry sip his pumpkin juice, "How come you're here so early?"

"Well, Mrs. Weasley... I..." Harry paused, not having thought of a good excuse to be there, when he wasn't yet due, "I didn't think you'd mind too much..."

The last part had come out sounding just sad enough to have the poor woman in tears.

"Of course I don't mind, Harry!" She wailed, taking him in her arms and crushing several of his more painful ailments, "I was just worried about you... In this condition..."

Mr. Weasley came into the door and looked over at Harry for a bit before realizing that the boy was early, and wounded, and being crushed by the over affectionate woman. He ran over and pried Molly from Harry's shoulders and guided the boy into the bathroom once more.

Harry stripped while Mr. Weasley ran a bath for him. They hadn't really bothered talking. They both knew that Harry had wounds that needed to be cleaned and that he couldn't clean them by himself. Harry lowered himself carefully into the bath, hissing in pain when the water flooded his torn entrance.

"Where'd the blood on your thighs come from?" Mr. Weasley asked in a tone that left no room for discretion.

"My..." Harry tried to think of a good term to use for his friend's father, but could see on the man's face that he more than understood.

"Who did this?" Mr. Weasley asked conspicuously, leaning closer to Harry so that no one else would hear them.

Harry looked down at the reddened water, feeling the urge to plunge into it, and drink the tub dry.

"Did you know him, Harry?"

A nod. Nothing more.

"You don't have to say it, then." Mr. Weasley sighed, putting a cloth in the water and rubbing it along Harry's body.

He pulled the boy from the tub and pulled out his wand. Small healing spells tingled along Harry's skin, but none of them seemed to reach that most wounded spot.

"I need to call a Healer..." Mr. Weasley said as he sat Harry down on the toilet and took his clothes from the room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Moments later, the door opened and Mrs. Weasley brought in a set of Ron's clothes for Harry to change into. Sure, Harry was much smaller then his friend, but Ron was not the size of Dudley Dursley, and his clothes fit much better than Harry's usual clothes did.

"Poppy was away for the summer, so she couldn't come help you, Harry..." Mr. Weasley said as Harry left the bathroom, "I'm sorry."

"So... Are there other Healers?" Harry asked, still very much feeling the ache between his cheeks.

"Well, we thought you might like someone familiar, Harry..." Molly said softly in her mother hen voice.

"Professor Snape is qualified to help, so he and Professor Dumbledore will be here soon."

Harry felt his insides clench. Professor Dumbledore? Harry had killed three people, one in front of a Muggle, and he was going to see Dumbledore so soon? He fell into the chair that the twins had led him to and yelped at the sting of the wound.

"Professor Snape's really not so bad, Harry..." Percy sighed, sitting down sullenly across the table.

"I... I can't!" Harry tried to get up, but the twins held him firmly to his seat.

Before Harry could raise more protest, two forms flew from the flames of the Weasleys' abnormally large fireplace. Harry recognized the stable form of Professor Snape, and the laid back form of Albus Dumbledore standing in the sitting room.

"I believe you asked our assistance, Arthur?" Professor Dumbledore sang as though he really hadn't known what they had come for.

"Mr. Potter, please follow me into the next room." Professor Snape almost growled, leading into the bathroom. Harry followed and jumped when the door slammed shut behind him and a Snape pulled him close, drowning him in the depths of those cold, black, hungry eyes.

harry/piers/severus, warning: first time, warning: incest, severus snape, warning: dub-con, author: barbie_manish, harry/vernon, warning: rimming, albus dumbledore, harry potter, vernon dursley, vampire, chapfic: orphan, warning: chan, the weasleys, harry/severus, harry/piers, non challenge post, rating: nc-17, fandom: harry potter, warning: food sex, warning: bloodplay, piers polkiss, warning: angst, lucius malfoy, warning: bdsm

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