hey again...
i know everybody's doing it so~
i jumped to the bandwagon, i guess.
the main reason is i was frustrated with my brother..
we fought and i can't believe i cried.
screw estrogens!
and we only fought over his friggin' iPod!
so yeah...
here it goes.
and i've been wanting to say this out loud.
it's just a few Jins and a few Kames
a couple of Uedas
and some really out of this world randomness.
a b c
d e f
g h i
j k l
m n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z 27
a2 b2 c2
the chibis doujinshis aren't mine.
found them on someone's fc2.
oh, and i changed my moodies!
so that's it
*resources < still under construction
comments are nice, you know they are.
credits too, it's be awesome to be appreciated.
i seriously can't get over the PV!!! (o____O!