OMG~!!!! the shiny!!!!

Dec 31, 2007 22:39


*breaths... calms...*

my New Year is starting with a loud BANG!
they even tried to hide it from me..
as if i wouldn't know.


so we were in the kitchen right and man!

it's the shiniest thing i've ever seen so far in my
limited range of receiving gifts...

M y   N e w   1 5 . 4 ″   M a c B o o k   P r o

yeah... switching~

i know, it's not the best out there but still...

i gotta say, the packaging is very impressive.
Apple needs to be applauded.


finally, in my room--
i have no complains with my old laptop...
it's just... it's what, almost two years old?

MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo & 2GB RAM
  • OS X boot time - 31 seconds
  • Open iTunes 7 - 6.9 seconds
  • Open Firefox 2 - 8.0 seconds
  • Open Acrobat Pro 7 - 25.73 seconds
  • Burn 512MB DVD - 6 mins 44 seconds
  • Import 112 photos (512MB) - 4 mins 44 seconds
  • Open 2.1MB photo in Photoshop - 16.9 seconds
  • Fully boot XP Pro in Parallels - 15.7 seconds

my brother was jealous to say the least but
he knew it was my turn since he got an Xbox 360 just last month.
LOL! the pout in his face~

i could kiss APPLE right now~

and then in the living area~

i couldn't stop taking shots at it.. sorry ^^
the screen is so glossy and it's kinda annoying when hit by the
light at an angle.
either way, ME LOVES IT!

then in my desk~

so there she is...

oh my god, i just knew it....
she'll break one of this days and it'll be my fault!
i'm too clumsy

everything looks so crisp!

sorry for spamming.
sorry for whining.
sorry for being a baby up there.
sorry for being an ignorant ass
and making a big deal out of this.


i'm just too frigging happy!

H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R !

meme, random, omg!, life and stuff

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