our shhppeach impedament

Jun 19, 2005 16:00

all MY fauLt 08: a platypush
sHpeach IMPED4o: platypusshy
all MY fauLt 08: meow meow shaid the pusshycat
sHpeach IMPED4o: shideshalad
all MY fauLt 08: tosh shalad
sHpeach IMPED4o: its a platypusshhychat....
all MY fauLt 08: aaaahahahah
all MY fauLt 08: chat?
sHpeach IMPED4o: im trying to make farting noishes withhhh my handsh, but itsh not working. i think my handsh are too parched.
all MY fauLt 08: hahahaha. they need mouishhterishher.
sHpeach IMPED4o: moishitter
all MY fauLt 08: shum hand lotshhion, perhapshh.
sHpeach IMPED4o: no, kyle ushed it all
all MY fauLt 08: for lubricatshhhion, no doubt.
sHpeach IMPED4o: no shhhit shhherlock
sHpeach IMPED4o: i dont ushhhe lotshhhion, i prefer shhhpit
all MY fauLt 08: hahahahahahahahaha
all MY fauLt 08: shhhpit, i shay. i ushhhe vashhholine.
sHpeach IMPED4o: dont ushhe shhhoap, it burnshh
sHpeach IMPED4o: vickshhh vaporrr rub workshhh shhplendid and i must say it leaveshh quite the after-burn, sometimeshhh a rashhh on my pensihh and ballsshhh
all MY fauLt 08: and on your shhhcrotum.
sHpeach IMPED4o: and my rectum.
all MY fauLt 08: it may alssho damage your vash deferensh when you have an erectshhion.
sHpeach IMPED4o: shumtimeshh i put it on my vagina becaushhe i have a very limited amount of dishhcharggge and itsh not very fun
all MY fauLt 08: hahahahahahhahahahahaha
all MY fauLt 08: well thatsh quite a shhhame. ishhnt it?
sHpeach IMPED4o: it shuuure ish. i have an abnormal shmelly dishcharggge. thatsh why i have a hard time getting laid
all MY fauLt 08: ooooh. sho thatsh the reashon that you carry an aroma of shhheafood all the time.
sHpeach IMPED4o: yesh..well and the fact that i always carry shtuffed flounder in my undieshh
all MY fauLt 08: shtuufed flounder ish quite appetishing. ish that the shecret ingredient? a shplash of dishcharge from megan's vagina?
sHpeach IMPED4o: yesh, and a little shheamen from gayles penishh will make it quite delishioushh
all MY fauLt 08: oh how our shexual organs make our dinner main courshe delighful.
sHpeach IMPED4o: yesh, i shay we all have a large orgy and eat ourshelves
all MY fauLt 08: i musht shay that is a shplendid idea.
sHpeach IMPED4o: it shurre ish my leshbionic compadre
all MY fauLt 08: shall we invite derek and anthony to our feasht on tueshday. that would make it a fourshome.
sHpeach IMPED4o: i shuppose..exshept that i dont think they'll enjoy you're overly shalty weenish
all MY fauLt 08: i desshire you for myshelf megan. i resherve the first courshe.
all MY fauLt 08: maybe they enjoy shalty weenishesh
sHpeach IMPED4o: no , you get shloppy sheconds
all MY fauLt 08: but what about deshhhert?
all MY fauLt 08: any ideash?
sHpeach IMPED4o: my anush perhapsh...
all MY fauLt 08: shounds outshtanding.
sHpeach IMPED4o: you could make a meal out of my anush itsh sho wide like shaddlebagsh assh
all MY fauLt 08: thatsh a pretty large anush. i think i shall have to share.
sHpeach IMPED4o: grab a shpoon and dig in
all MY fauLt 08: i shall bring my own eating utenshil. a shpork, i shay.
sHpeach IMPED4o: you might need a knife, shaddlebagsh filling is quite chunky
all MY fauLt 08: hahahhahah. ish it a tad nutty in the shenter. how many lickshh?
sHpeach IMPED4o: no not nutty at all..mama is allergic to peanutsh, sho maybe itsh shunflower sheeds
all MY fauLt 08: shunflower sheeds, eh? i hope there are no shells.
sHpeach IMPED4o: yesh, theresh shhells, thatsh what makesh the shtuff sooo delishhush
sHpeach IMPED4o: and shalty like ur weenish
all MY fauLt 08: what a combination that makesh.
sHpeach IMPED4o: yesh, i believe sho myshelf
all MY fauLt 08: my sh'er ish all tired out.
sHpeach IMPED4o: hahaha shame here
sHpeach IMPED4o: if i used one more "shh" word, i might find myself on the shhitter
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