Sep 23, 2012 19:01
So, we are not good at gardening. But we have a garden. Actually, we have two. The back garden is fine because it's been planted with low maintenance shrubs and we prune it sometimes and it's ok. The front garden, though, is a bit of a mess. There's not that much of it - it's maybe 8 feet by 4 - but, while some of it is populated with low maintance shrubs which we can cope with, the rest of it is mostly populated with weeds. (And the rosemary that I planted which is successfully growing - hurrah!)
I'm thinking that what we should do with it is dig the whole thing out (rescuing and potting the rosemary but not the rest of it) and plant some stuff in it that is low maintenance and will stop it being taken over by weeds. But I know nothing about gardening. So, I have some questions that maybe some of you lovely people can help with?
Firstly, when should we dig it out?
Secondly, when should we be planting things?
Thirdly, what should we plant? (I would like to plant low maintenance things, preferably edible things (e.g. the rosemary, maybe mint? maybe chives?) but decorative things are good too.) The low maintenance thing is really the key, though. We really really don't want anything that we have to pay too much attention to, it will have to cope with just the odd pruning.
Fourthly, should we buy, like, plants and things from a garden centre or can we do cuttings? And, if cuttings are good, how exactly do they, er, work?
Thoughts? Please treat me like an idiot with any advice, I know virtually nothing about plants and things.