Dec 09, 2004 16:50
this week has been waayyy worse than expected. I somewhat try in school and it just so happens that io dropped at least one whole letter grade in every single class. I'm going to parents will kill me on interims (grades go in tomorrow) psh yeah so can't wait for that. No boys lately. Theres no boys around here anyways, even if there were i wouldn't have enough time for them. I'm so busy and I hate it. Thats one thing my parents really don't understand because they make me babysitt every tuesday and friday before cheering at the games[ which suck ] and usually more than that during the week. at least i get paid though right? =\ speaking of the bball games...the first game on tuesday that i cheered at was alright. Not to bad but on friday we have a double header and thats fuckin homo. I want to go to my grandparent's house with lauren but i got my mom and them in a fight so now i can't go. =( I was supposed to see rachael last weekend but NOO that didn't work out either. So hopefully we're hanging out next weekend. I'm gonna make this saturday night fun because-i haven't really had an extremly good weekend in a while and i'm stressed and just need to do something to take my mind off of everything. I hate feeling so empty though-its like im always alone. And when im talking to someone at school or wahtever they don't really understand me. Theres about...3 people that really do. Lauren,Liz and Lins <3 thanks girls. well whatever i just need to get over the fact that I'm stupid in school and won't have good enough grades to get into UMD, won't have a boyfriend anytime soon, and won't be able to do anything once interims come out. I need some new music to listen to. I've worn out all of my CD's and won't be gettin any til xmas. Got any ideas? hmm...i'm gonna go take a nap.
such a sweet symphony.