Jun 13, 2006 22:13
So summer has begun, well it actually began last thursday but whatever. Summer doesn't seem to much like summer yet though except I don't have to get up early all the time. I haven't had a real break yet. I haven't spent one day doing nothing, which should be every kid's ultimate summer goal. So we got out of school last thursday, my grandparents came on friday and stayed till monday morning, and then monday afternoon Kristina got back from Japan. I was really excited and happy to see her finally. Also on Monday I got my music for the summer music camp I'm going to. I leave on the 28th and I have to learn 2 symphonies, 3 overtures, a quartet, and since I signed up for beginning conducting, I have to learn the score to the finale of Beethoven's 2nd symphony. How that is beginner level I have no idea. So let's see after today that leaves me 2 weeks to learn the music, but it's really more like 5 days because of going to Magruder on Friday. I'm in deep shit. Why did they send us that music so late!!!!! I don't know if I'll be able to do it. Thank goodness I am playing 2nd violin because I think I would die playing 1st. So I have to go and practice some more.