Aug 06, 2005 20:45
Well I spent this last week in Sun Valley with my friend Tanya for a music camp thing (we both play violin). The music was super super easy, even the muisc in the chamber group I was in was easy. So our days went from 9-2 mon.-fri. So since Tanya and I were super bored due to the fact that the music was so easy, we made the best of it! We didn't like our conductor for several reasons including that she couldn't go past 5 measures without stopping (I hate to imagine what she's like if you are actually playing hard music). One of the funniest things she said was during one rehersal where I guess our dynamic contrast wasn't up to par so she asks us what forte meant. So most of the NORMAL people said loud. Then she's like no, it means strong, and I'm like ok, I guess that makes sense. But then, she stops us again and asks us what a Mozart/Handel forte means. We answer strong, but NO it's not strong. Now it means HAPPY (we were playing Handel)! HAPPY?! What the heck. So I mouth to Tanya, "So what's a Beethoven forte?" and we crack up laughing. It was so funny. Anyway you get the idea of how we got through our rehersals haha.
So our music workshop was put on by the Sun Valley Summer Symphony (the largest free symphony in the U.S. I think). The members of the Symphony come from all over the world. My chamber instructor was from Spain which was really cool. The Symphony gives 12 free concerts starting in August, and I got to see 3 of them before we had to leave and they were fabulous. Opening night, they had a piano soloist who played Rachmaninoff's 2nd piano concerto and they also played a Telemann piece. During the piano concerto someone's car alarm went off (the concerts were outside under a tent) and I felt so bad for the guy (he was in the middle of the 2nd movement). But he was able to continue on after immatating the car alarm on the piano haha. The second concert they did a horn concerto which was ok but they also played 4 movements of the planets by gustav holst which I love! It was amazing. The last concert they played Schubert's 9th symphony. That was also good.
Obviously, I did other stuff besides play and listen to music all week. We got to sun valley on sat. 2 days before camp started. So on sunday, we went to redfish lake, which is usually really fun but the weather kinda sucked so we were stuck in the car most of the time playing cards haha. The rest of the week is kinda blended together. On tuesday Tanya and I went with my friend Shannon, Shannon's brother, a kid I just met named Chris, and another kid that was really kool named John, to the movies to see the Island with Ewan McGregor (hottie). It was good but it was also really wierd and actually really funny in some spots. On wed., um I don't actually remember what we did, I think we watched Moulin Rouge at the condo haha. But we also went to this awesome thrift store called the Gold Mine, and I got the most awesome belt! It is so kool! My brother and dad came up on thursday. Tanya and I had been trying to figure out how to play texas hold um, so my dad taught us and we gambled with our spare change omg that was so fun! Except I started loosing but oh well. We went ice skating on thurs. too, which i'm not that good at but it was still fun. Friday was our concert and after we went to dinner with my cousin and her new boyfriend. That was really fun too.Every night Tanya and I went in the hot tub and talked about boys haha. We saw some shooting stars that were so beautiful and we wished on them (my wish didn't come true unfortunatly). Today we went to redfish lake again and had way more fun because the weather was so much better! We went kyaking and jumped off the dock. Now i'm home again. That was my week.