Before I begin, I would like to make it very clear that I am fully prepared to be kicked out of the community for what I now post- perhaps even banned. Let me also say that it is my sincere belief that if you, the maintainers of this community, do not allow this to be read and commented on, then the dishonour you display in the free circulation of truth and opinions will undoubtedly scar whatever 'truly beautiful' image you would like to portray. I suppose it is up to you whether you would like to prove my point, or continue living behind the facade.
Let me begin by sharing my thoughts on your own description of the this community.
"Yes, this would be another rating community, but unlike the shallow, stereotypical, closed minded atmosphere of other rating communities, this is the community that judges fully on personality, character, and morals."
Just because you are judging a person by the "deeper" parts of who they are does not mean it is any less shallow and worthless a thing to appoint yourselves judges in the first place. Who decided that -you- are worthy or being called beautiful? And more importantly, who made you a judge capable of deciding what is beautiful in others? The very nature of beauty has been disputed for literally centuries by artists all over the face of the earth, and suddenly you claim to be able to weigh it in human beings, the most complexly beautiful things in existence?
If someone doesn't pass your little test, you simply write them off as not worth your time, not worth listening to, and certainly not worth helping. That sounds just about as closed-minded as anything I've ever heard of before, and its certainly the stereotypical nature of so-called rating communities. You can't escape it, because it is built into the very -idea-.
"We don't want a community full of mindless clones, but rather of unique individuals. We take into consideration that every person is different and subject to different tastes and opinions."
I wonder if you realise the intense similarity your rhetoric shares with that of Hitler's Nazi party. Do you think he was recruiting 'clones'? Or that he would have had the utter idiocy necessary to admit it even if he were? Of course not. He was recruiting Germans. They only looked the same because their unity bound them together, and the charisma of their leader solidified their loyalties. You are doing much the same thing, only your requirement is not one of race, but one of 'beauty'. The more people you declare beautiful because of the similarly eloquent and issue-dodging way they answer their questions, the more of them there will be to vote on other people they agree with. Like it or not, eventually you will all be seen as exactly the same. A self-righteous clan of egotists who think they hold the keys to human worth. I won't even BEGIN to touch that requirement about 'wearing' the acceptance badge. That pretty well speaks for itself.
The very thoughts sickens me.
So why did I take the quiz, you ask? Why did I bother if I hate everything this community stands for? Because I was curious to see what would be said of me. I do not believe myself to be a beautiful person. What beauty I do have only manifests itself when I'm talking with those I love or the dearest of my friends. All you saw was the bitterness and cynicism that was bred of my perhaps not overly rough, but emotionally hard life. Yet you call me beautiful merely because I am well spoken and am usually content to let people do what they need to do whether or not I feel it is utterly abhorrent.
Regardless, I'm done now. All that's left is to see if you have the courage to stand under it. This will be posted in my journal (
shrawberry) so that it will still be readable when you inevitably delete it. I will make the post public.