OTM: Silent Hill 4 (In my room, I can be whoever I choose to be.)

Oct 20, 2010 11:57

I hope we're allowed to apply for 2 themes at once...I REALLY wanted to do this one too.

Silent Hill 4 Theme

== pulsating ambience ==

Name: Beck
Age: 20
Gender: Female
The links to three unstamped applications you have voted on:

== into the depths of self discovery ==

As far as you know, describe what first impression people usually get from you. They think I'm a complete bitch because I tend to be very blunt with everyone and say what I want to say when I want to say it. This can be a little bit of a problem, I guess.

Sooo... what were you up to yesterday? Working on papers, reading, going to classes, ate dinner with a few friends.
Is this one of your typical days or was there anything special about it? It was quite normal, except for actually having time to have dinner with people, which I usually don't.

Do you consider yourself fearless? Yes. Going through the hell that was highschool did that for me. I'm not the type to cower from anything...unless it's a large angry hornet.

Do others do so too? Mostly yes. My friends still applaud me for my ability to go up to obnoxious people and tell them off without hesitation. People that do not know me and only see what I look like though probably think I'm not a force to be reckoned with.

Would you describe yourself as macabre?I do like some horror literature and games, mostly more psychological horror, but I have my limitations. Too much gore, as in american horror films makes me want to throw up, and I find a lot of goreaphiles to be depraved.

Would other people agree? No. My friends think I'm quite the dark and brooding person, especially after reading my stories that I write in Writing Club and often try to get me to go see horror movies.

Are you outgoing? To an extent. I'm not extremely happy go lucky by all means, but I make sure that my opinions are known. Also, the closer I am to someone the friendlier I am with them, but I'm not really overly friendly to new people.

Do others see you like that as well? Well, since I tend to scare off new people with my blunt and honest personality, I suppose not. But my friends that are close to me know that they can depend on me for good conversation, company, and a bit of sarcasm.

Social situations or homicidal ghosts - what's scarier? Neither, really. I can handle myself fairly well socially, except if someone pisses me off or is awkward, and then things get...interesting. As for homicidal ghosts, I could call an exorcist couldn't I?

And which one did you say you'd rather take - physical or mental pain? I have a high physical pain threshold, but mental abuse I have a hard time dealing with.

== traversing the portals of reality ==

If I called you on a typical Saturday evening, where would you be?Probably getting dinner or in my room relaxing, I really wouldn't mind too much, I suppose, unless I was working on something and then I would be a little miffed.

And if I called you on a typical Sunday morning, oh say 5 am, how would you react? I'd sound off, and wouldn't hold back until you hung up, calling you all sorts of lovely names. Mornings are NOT my thing at all...

Hm. A young boy has apparently taken to standing outside your house / apartment building every day. Just what are you going to do about it? I'd first try to find out who he was visiting in the dorm and tell them about it, but if that didn't work, I'd tell him to piss off and find someone else to annoy.

More hm. Looks like your phone, your TV and your computer don't work. You also can't seem to get anybody to hear you when you yell. Oh and did I mention that you can't actually leave your house/apartment? Now now, what's your reaction to that? Well shit. I would try to keep myself calm and focused, but I'd probably be pissed off beyond all rational explanation and try to break down the door. I'd find some way to get out of there, mark my words.

Oh hey, look! It's your six-year-old self! If we called them over to say hi, how would the meeting go? I was a total whimp and crybaby when I was six, so I'd probably tell her to toughen up because it wasn't going to get any easier. I'd also advise her to never give in to bullying and attack someone, (I used to do that A LOT), because that would mean that they won, and no one wants that.

Let's see... we still have some crazy religious issues here, but this time apparently mommy's part of the mix. And since we've covered God and all that jazz, how's the relationship with your dear mother going? If you don't feel like talking about it, your favourite flower is of course of equal interest to us. My mother was one of the happiest people when I began to grow a backbone and stick up for myself, however, she thinks I go a little too far sometimes and says that my big mouth and tendency to judge people will get me in trouble. We get along fairly well, but sometimes our personalities clash.

I really don't like cut flowers because they just die off after a while and leave a mess, but I love the smell of hyacinths.

== resting comfortably ==

Oh noes! We're all out of guns! And uhm, the swords, knives and chainsaws are all dirty and unsanitary. So say, which item are you going to use to defend yourself instead? Something that would do quite a lot of damage like a baseball bat, and if I couldn't find that, I'd resort to using my fists and feet.

Dammit! Looks like your item didn't do it. You have just been killed and they're playing your funeral theme song. Care to share the lyrics or a link to that song?
Nothing sad, I don't want people crying over me. Probably one of my favorite songs.
*randomly picks one*
Summer don't know me no more
Eager man, that's all

Summer don't know me
He just let me love in myself
'Cause I took you're love from you
that just died, yeah..

I saw that day,
Lost my mind
Lord, I'm fine
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine

Don't stop the buck when it comes
It's the dawn, you'll see

Money won't get there
Ten years passed tonight
You'll flee

If you do then,
I'll be someone
To find you

I saw that day,
Lost my mind
Lord, I'm fine
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine

I saw that day,
Lost my mind
Lord, I'm fine
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine
Maybe in time
You'll want to be mine

Now which Silent Hill 4 character do you consider yourself least like and why? It's a tie between Cynthia and Andrew. I'm not like Cynthia because she's more about promoting her sexual abilities rather than her mental abilities, (mostly because she HAS no mental abilities) and Andrew is just an awkward creepy depraved old man that I would very much like to punch in the jaw.

Anything else you would like to add? No, I'd say that's everything, thanks.


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