Silent Hill 1 Theme
Name: Anna
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Links to three unstamped applications you have voted on:
You're Not Here INTO THE FOG
The game manual provides a short and not very in-depth description of your character. What does it say about the first impression the player will get from you? A teenage girl in Silent Hill on vacation, she’s unsure what’s going on and struggling to survive in the monster-filled streets.
And which important factor are they missing, seeing as they can't yet reveal what the player will find out about your true nature later? Uh . . . uh . . . eh? I’m a whiny bitch, and they should’ve left me behind. How about that?
It's all about the family, right? So what are your views on that subject? I hate my family. I’m in therapy because of them, and my doctor says it isn’t natural to fantasize about murdering them. So . . .
And how about faith? Any comments on that? Lapsed Catholic. Maybe if church wasn’t so boring?
Do you consider yourself independent? Yeah. People annoy me.
Do others agree? No, just because I make them do things for me when they’re around. It’s not like I couldn’t do it by myself.
Would you describe yourself as a helpful person? On the whole, no. If you ask me for directions, I’ll give them to you, but if you want me to, I don’t know, go do something you could do by yourself you’ll get a ‘fuck you’.
Would others do so as well? Yes. They’re the people usually on the receiving end of the fuck yous.
Do you prefer to be with people who are leaders or followers? Followers. Leaders are assholes.
Do you tend to attract shy or outgoing people? Both. I had one shy girl follow me around incessantly my entire eighth grade year, while in sixth grade a group of really outgoing girls befriended me.
Is it better to be optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic. Don’t get your hopes up.
Do you like your surroundings light or dark? Dark with some light filtering in. I have a thing for that, always have. Maybe because it’s womb-like, or something?
Are you more of a cat or a dog person? Dog. I love dogs, cats are kind of bitchy.
In the game, did you save Cybil or did you let her die? Saved her! Supposedly the fight’s hard, so that motivated me a little bit, but I liked her, so why let her die?
Would that also be your choice if the situation was real? Yeah. Same reason, I liked her.
What about Lisa? What would you do in Harry's place? Hard to tell. Lisa hadn’t been threatening or violent any time during the game and wasn’t even during that scene, but . . . come on, she was bleeding from every orifice on her face! I don’t know what the hell I’d do, to tell the truth.
Do you like setting things on fire? In sixth grade my best friend and I earned the titles of resident pyromaniacs because we set stuff on fire in our basements.
Lastly, which ONE Silent Hill 1 character do you consider yourself least like and WHY? Hmm . . . Alessa. Not that I don’t like her or anything, but if my mother did that to me, wild horses couldn’t hold me back from ripping her face off. After I woke up from the coma, of course. If I did.
Anything else you would like to add? Male or female stamp is fine. Oh, and I haven’t ever applied for the SH1 stamp before, because when I found this community I was new to the series and had only played SH2.