Nov 02, 2005 01:50
You know, i never really was much of a pot head, but i did smoke pot occasionally. i don't think i'm going to smoke. i'm not going to say that I'm never going to smoke ever, because i don't know what kind of state of mind i'll be in;(Secret about erick; i don't really know how to use (semi-)colons. i threw the last two in for fun really) in the future. As it stands, i'm not going to smoke pot. Truth is, latly, I've been really fucking happy. i have no desire to put myself in a euphoric state. Sure, i quit my job, and i'm a little bit behind in school, but it'll be alright. Not only that, but i just don't like the scene. Most pot heads are obnoxious. i hate getting marijuanna, because i have to fall into the cracks of society to buy some. Being high is old, and not all that stimulating anymore. Life is far too interesting sober. Don't get me wrong. I'll drink occasionally, as usual, but no more pot.
Parts of me wish i had things figuired out, and i had some kind of direction. Mystery is fun. i really do need to figuire something out. i mean, providing for my future wife, and kids in something that is important to me. i don't want to be a fuck up. i want to make my father proud of me. Seriously though, i need to grow the fuck up, and realize that if all else fails, i can't be a pirate.
i have to give LJ credit, that was a fair update. i like it.
i stopped capitalizing i, and my name, because i think it's a neat play on grammar.
ciao bella's and bello's