Nov 09, 2003 01:09
Wow...just wow. Today was the first day in weeks that I got to sleep in. I reveled in sleep til noon, but I'm beginning to think it might be better to have a full, early day. I seem to manage my time better when my schedule is full to bursting. Which would explain why it's one in the morning and I'm nowhere near to finishing my work. I'd do it tomorrow but I have to go home to Sharon right after work to visit my aunt (newly cured of cancer thank G-d!) and I'll be spending the night at home. I always say I'll bring work home and do it there and then I never do, so it all needs to be done tonight. That's okay though. I'll have plenty of time to sleep tomorrow night. And my problems generally stem from panicking when I get into situations like this. So I'm not panicking. :)
Went to dinner with Amanda, Chad, Kara and Abby tonight for Abby's 21st birthday. Japanese food = yummy especially the sushi (i mean if i can eat gefilte fish, i can eat anything, frankly) and my very first taste of fried ice cream. Things are just so nice lately. I rarely sleep, my eating habits are shot to hell, I'm stressed, and my room could receive federal funding...and I'm okay with all of that. My classes are going fine, the student I work with at the Hebrew School doesn't resent my presence as he has my predecessors, and my job at the high school...
It's fantastic! The teachers are entrusting me with so much responsibility: I'm creating worksheets, teaching mini-lessons, making flashcards (bizarrely fulfilling, don't ask), grading tests and recording them in the gradebook...It's all right there in front of me, everything I want, nothing is going to stop me now, even my own occasional self-destructive tendencies--which reminds me...
So the college sent me a letter saying that I had been nominated, along with a bunch of other juniors and seniors, to be included in the 2004 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. I was a wee bit dumbfounded considering last year's spectacular meltdown in the fall which had a nasty effect on my GPA. But I figured, considering that someone (who?!) took the time to nominate me, that I might as well fill out the application. When they asked me what the most important thing that Simmons had contributed to my life, I figured I had nothing to lose and talked about all the support I'd received after my academic breakdown and how it had given me new confidence to continue my studies and always be sympathetic to the plights of my own students. I handed it in, was told I'd hear in awhile if I were one of the 39 students from Simmons chosen, and forgot about it. And then last week, I got a letter from the Dean of Student Life--I was accepted! Anything is possible! Love my work, like my classes, adore my family (I have an 18 year old brother who actually likes to spend time with me and I'm maid of honor at my dad's wedding this spring!), have the most amazing bunch of friends ever wished for (if you're on my friends list, you are included obviously!), and my boyfriend...
My boyfriend is wonderful and we'll be celebrating our one year anniversay on Monday. I try not to think about that too often because it kind of staggers me--where did the year go? I don't really know what to do for the anniversary; neither of us has ever had one of these and he's not big on formal celebrating. I think I'm just going to give him a card; I'm observing the day but he doesn't have to feel obligated to do the same. I love him dearly but because I need to focus on school and work right now and can't always give him my full attention, I'm not really worried if I don't always get his. Well, truthfully, in my head I don't mind. My emotions have been in a bit of a flux lately so I don't always listen to my very practical head. I'm working on that...
Of course what I should be working on is my paper so I'm going to stop writing now. It doesn't help that I'm reading a bunch of fun books similtaneously (sp?) which is my idea of pleasurable memory exercise and I would much rather be curled up with any of them right now than working but oh well. Mayhap I'll discuss said exercise and talk about the different books in my next entry. That's something to look forward to...