KHALED EL-MASRI: [translated] I was denied being medically examined. In this room -- they took me to this room, and I had handcuffs, and I had a blindfold. And when the door was closed, I was beaten from all sides. I was hit from all sides. I then was humiliated. And then I could hear just like -- that I could hear that I was being photographed in the process when I was completely naked. Then my hands were tied to my back. I got a blindfold, and they put chains to my ankles and back over my head, and just like the pictures we have seen of Guantanamo, for example. Then I was dragged brutally into the airplane, and in the airplane I was thrown to the floor. I was tied to the floor and to the sides of the airplane. At some point when I woke up again, I found myself in Afghanistan. I was brutally dragged off the airplane and put in the trunk of a car. I was thrown into the trunk of a car.
Sounds like something out of some crazy movie eh? Wrong, that's what the CIA did to a man, who was not even the person they thought he was. He was wrongly accused, and tortured by the American CIA. Meanwhile George Bush says that America does not practice torture, nor does it associate with countries who do. Both of these statements are highly untrue.
For the whole story on that go here: